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Croton FD May Become ALS Agency

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Peekskill FD is the ONLY Fire Department in Westchester County that provides ALS.

FYI: Rumor has it, at the end of the EMT-I class being offered in Croton, CFDEMS may become an Intermediate agency, therefore they would technically become the 2nd fire agnecy in the county to provide ALS!


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Why not worry about covering our BASIC calls before wet-dreaming an ALS service???

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I tell you, being an Intermediate service is nothing special. Mohegan, YVAC and PCVAC are all EMT-I services and guess how many times I've seen the "I" bag pulled and used. Never. It's a nice thing to have as a "just in case" but you don't need to be an Intermediate service to use skills. Any EMT-I can operate under a Medic if he's willing to let you. And I tell you, haing someone able to drop a line while I'm doing other stuff, if invaluable. But I agree with 585. Adding levels to a house when the lower floors are incomplete will only lead to a building collapse.

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One rule of thumb that should be in the book that isn' any comment that includes the following words needs to be taken lightly:


I heard

I thought I heard

Hmmmm I'm pretty sure

As far as the other comment, yes Intermediate is a form of ALS. But tubes and saline drips isn't even at the base of the iceburg.

PFD is the only FD in Westchester that provides full ALS service.

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I was an EMT-I, and I mean no disrespect by my comments below. EMT-I's can be very helpful as a supplemental tool when assiting a Paramedic. I feel I's work better when they are used in conjunction with a single paramedic system to give the medic an extra set of hands during a complicated call. However, I's MUST be able to see enough calls to maintain proficiency in their skills.

With that said:

Croton would be an Intermediate Life Support agency, not ALS. That means an EMT-I on EVERY call!

Now for the humor...

EMT-I= I do the vitals, I hook up the monitor, I do the IV, I drive, I restock (Just joking around 648, lol!)

Just to note, myself, FAC911, and 901 were EMT-I's on ALS ambulances in an urban area (Empress). I became an EMT-I simply because I was not able to go to medic school yet, and wanted to be of further use to my paramedic partner and give myself and extra boost in medic school. I'm glad I became an I. It also helped in my job as an ED tech. It allowed me to do a lot more, and also increased my pay. The previous comments are IMO, the benfits of becoming an I. There is no service around here that provides I level care, nor any that can currently do it appropriately.

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I know you all have good points, and trust me, I know being an "I" agency isn't that big of a deal, but I was just letting everyone know the possible future of CFD EMS. 585-- You do have an excellent point though about covering the basics first! I heard this from 2082, so he's the one to be sending all the feedback to!

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No one is jumping on your bro. Any initiative to better an agency should be applauded. I was just referring to your FD doing ALS comment. I was just pointing out that we perform full level IV ALS. Being an "I" agency is a big deal, it bumps you up a level of responsibility. There are times where your flycar is coming from a distance away or may have an extended response time. Securing an airway and/or a line. AS LONG as it doesn't get in the way of your basic treatment. BLS before ALS. No offense to any of you, but I've seen many "I's" get lost in their advanced skills where BLS skill would have been warranted and even more effective.

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Blah Blah Blah, Peekskill FD is the only 100% ALS.... yada yada yada.

Go tube someone!!!! :roll:

In all seriousness, the PFD medics are one of the best (if not the best) medic agencies I've worked with over the years. Some "agencies" lack in certain areas, although the medics in them have been great. ALS, we both worked for one of them.....enough said.

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