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Banning Silly String From Parades

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You may want to do some reading about "Silly String" before writing it off as "fun", especially with EPA 2007+ compliant exhausts.

How Stuff Works- Silly String

Selected Quotes:

Some municipal authorities are also worried about Silly String for a very practical reason. Sprayed string can make a mess. Several cities have banned the use of Silly String during celebrations, at parades and on holidays like Halloween. In addition to being hard to remove from concrete and brick, the strands are essentially sticky plastic, so they can clog storm drains and take up space in landfills.

Its large proportion of propellant can also give Silly String two seemingly opposite hazards. Some propellants are flammable, and others become so cold when leaving the container that they can freeze a person's skin. Most can labels include warnings about whether the string inside requires specific precautions, and many specify to avoid heat and open flames. But some formulations of the product have been dangerous enough to cause widespread concern.

I know this discussion may be "silly" to some and I see why, it just seems like two specific members are following me around to every thread lately just to argue with me, so I feel more compelled to make my point.

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I never knew that the stuff was harmful to the apparatus & clothing. Who'd a thunk.... I will take your word for it though. Kinda not into that parade thing anymore (another story).

What I am getting out of this is that it should probably be stopped though. The question I would ask would be, "is Banning It the right way to go?" Maybe a calmer approach like making the public aware that it can be damaging would have a big impact. I am sure that the Kids that use it and the Parents that buy it for the kids probably have no idea that it is even a concern of ours. I bet that if they were aware, then most of it would stop on its own. Maybe put out a flier or an article in the local paper asking for their help and understanding.

As someone posted earlier, the parades do create somewhat of a bond between the Fire / Police / Amb and the community and come referendum time we may want to have them on our side.

just a thought

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Ice and snow are harmful to our apparatus and so is road salt, so lets ban those too. The rock kicking up off the road hitting the windshield of my engine has done more damage then silly string could ever do, and guess what that rock hitting my windshield happens way more then someone spraying silly string on my rig. Maybe we should just ban parades instead of making the do not list at parades longer.

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Thank You for posting the thread and other info.

As having been a Chief and knowing that our apparatus has been sprayed with it a Katonah and other parades, I have seen the damage it has done, As well as the party snappers.

As also having had drivers hit with the party snappers and the string in the face as they are driving in the parade.

I agree totally with it not being there.

Regardless of what all are saying on here maybe the apparatus is not that important,maybe the uniforms are not that important,

the man or woman is to me.

I also did have to explain where the damage on the paint is from in the Commisioners meeting, why shoould I have too?

Why should the people whose uniforms got ruined, pay for them, why should the Fire District pay for them?

Would it be okay as people are driving down Bedford Road in Katonah if we stood out there and sprayed it on them and there cars?I have had people stop and complain that we sprayed them with a mist of water when we are cleaning catch basins.

As some of you say it is okay to have fun and I agree but I know this much I will not allow or Permit my Children to do that at a Parade.

I want the Public to mesh with us well and vice versa.

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