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Radioactive Strontium 90 turns up near Indian Point

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Strontium 90 found in well near nuke plant

By Greg Clary

The Journal News • August 6, 2008

BUCHANAN - Trace amounts of radioactive strontium 90 have turned up in monitoring wells outside Indian Point's property for the second time in little more than a year.

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Entergy officials believe the sample showed the traces of strontium 90 because the most recent tests were conducted with a more sensitive analysis, not because of increased levels of radioactivity.

The most recent test results show strontium levels that are 0.473 picocuries per liter, less than one-sixteenth of the federal limit of 8.0 picocuries per liter for drinking water. A picocurie is a measure of radioactivity.

Earlier reports said the well that these tests were done in weren't wells for drinking water, so why use those stats? Seems like they're trying to downplay it as much as possible. Which is understandable IMO - but if it's really not that big of a deal why report it to begin with? I mean, some 'leaks' are bound to happen aren't they?

Edited by DonMoose

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I have family that works at Indian Point

they also "down play" the Radioactive Leaks! :blink:

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I have family that works at Indian Point

they also "down play" the Radioactive Leaks! :blink:

As do I brother. I'm just a tad confused as to why they would release findings like that, if they're so 'insignificant' or whatever else Entergy decides to call it.

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They report it for the simple fact that this has been an ongoing story for at least 2 to 3 years now and if they don't the anti nuke nuts will say they are trying to cover it up. Further for all we know there are reporting requirements of such through the Nuclear Regulating Agency that they must. I guess its how you look at the glass...I don't see them downplaying more then letting out the facts and what the acceptable level is by national standards. If you were to have your drinking water tested...or if you read the annual report they are required to publish....would your municipality be "downplaying" the levels of contaminents and other items that must be tested for, when they list the level and what the acceptable federal level is by the EPA? No different here...just a different animal.

They use the stats because that is all they have. Those wells were dug specifically for testing. I do not know of any homes that don't have municipal water from the town of Cortlandt in that area that comes from the Aqueduct system. Not wells. So they are better to report it and let it be known then not to report it at all.

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There are somethings that we all need to remember:

1) Strontium 90 is an element that occurs naturally in nature so it would be common to find this element anywhere.

2) The levels of radiation in the well was 1/16th the level the federal government set as deemed unsafe to drink

3) If that is the case, then there is more radiation/health hazards in your basement due to radon then currently posed by the leaks at Indian point

4) These leaks and levels are nothing new, according to the article, the reason why they found Strontium 90 was due to improved testing procedure, practices and more sensitive tests.

5) Finally, according to one study, Indian Point and Entergy have a massive public relations problem.

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There are somethings that we all need to remember:

5) Finally, according to one study, Indian Point and Entergy have a massive public relations problem.

got that right, i don't think catching "security guards" sleeping and coked up is considered good PR.

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That Strontium 90 is good stuff. I put it on my cereal in the morning. Makes the bones stong and gives my skin a nice glow...


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Was I the only one who read too fast and understood "Radioactive Scrotum turns up near Indian Point" ?

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More useless stuff that the public (me) doesn't need to know....

The Communist News Network.... I mean CNN reported as their primary story this AM that the USS Houston, a Los Angeles Class Fast Attack Sub leaked radio active water while in port in Japan, Guam, Indonesia, and Pearl Harbor. At the very end of the story, the amount of leaking radiation was quantified as .0000005 microcuries which equates to less radiation than you'd find in a 50lb bag of lawn fertalizer.

Wow ! A regular Chernobyl in the works..........

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That Strontium 90 is good stuff. I put it on my cereal in the morning. Makes the bones stong and gives my skin a nice glow...

Oh you do that too I thought I was the only one .

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