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The Future of Energy in America

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I like this guy and his plan for the future of energy in the USA.

I have been following him for some time now. He has presented his plan to Congress. He believes we should have zero dependence on foreign energy. Nuclear power, oil, wind, solar, and natural long as it is produced in America. We give 700 Billion dollars every year to foreigh countries some who would love to see America destroyed. He is convinced it can be done and I also beileve it can be done.

The economy and national security is at stake. Let's give him a chance.

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I have been following him for some time now. He has presented his plan to Congress. He believes we should have zero dependence on foreign energy. Nuclear power, oil, wind, solar, and natural long as it is produced in America. We give 700 Billion dollars every year to foreigh countries some who would love to see America destroyed. He is convinced it can be done and I also beileve it can be done.

The economy and national security is at stake. Let's give him a chance.

Ditto !!

As long as he can prove there's money in it..his ideas will succeed.

Wouldn't it be nice if common sense, and true concern about our economy and national security were enough.


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