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Guest ksneubec

Suggestions for Personalized Firefighter Plates

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My girlfriend got me personalized firefighter plates for x-mas, but I have to tell her what I want the plate to say before she sends in the forms. I want to have some sort of reference to firefighting and/or EMS, but I can't think of anything good. I live in CT, so these are the rules:

I only get five spaces.

I can use letters and numbers, but if I use a combination of letters and numbers they have to be separated by a dash, and the dash equals one space.

I can have letters following numbers or numbers following letters, but no mix of letters between numbers or vice versa.

Now that you see the requirements, you know why I am asking for suggestions. :D Anyone have anything clever ideas?



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NY you don't get a choice. :roll:

Just try something like FD name / ID # like CF123 or something

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I was thinking about getting a VF plate, but I decided not to, because you couldn't customize it. What I did instead was my 2 apparatus designations. I'm not giving out my license plate # to everyone, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out !!

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Who will be the buff that goes and gets the vanity plate "EMTBravo"? :roll:

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If anybody other than Seth gets that plate, they deserve a beating!! :punch:

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