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And yet another Firefighter what was he thinking

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Stuff like this just strengthens my opinion that too many firefighters put TOO much faith in the protective qualities of their turnouts, and yet even more think that the blacker and more soot stained your gear is the better firefighter you are...Just plain stupidity. I have seen guys proudly displaying their turnouts all covered in soot and insulation and sheet rock debris saying stupid stuff like "See, I got into the fire and get the job done, im a great firefighter."...Wrong. Just like the guys that take their helmets and put them in the oven and bake them at 400 degrees for a little while to make them look saltier...Like one of our new officers in my dept that just got a new white helmet and yet a week later it looked like it was in 100 fires, yet we had no structure fires...go figure.

Where was the officer in charge of this burn? Or the safety officer? There should have been officers all over that area controlling the entry of the firefighters and constantly checking for changing situations.

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Stuff like this just strengthens my opinion that too many firefighters put TOO much faith in the protective qualities of their turnouts, and yet even more think that the blacker and more soot stained your gear is the better firefighter you are...Just plain stupidity. I have seen guys proudly displaying their turnouts all covered in soot and insulation and sheet rock debris saying stupid stuff like "See, I got into the fire and get the job done, im a great firefighter."...Wrong. Just like the guys that take their helmets and put them in the oven and bake them at 400 degrees for a little while to make them look saltier...Like one of our new officers in my dept that just got a new white helmet and yet a week later it looked like it was in 100 fires, yet we had no structure fires...go figure.

Where was the officer in charge of this burn? Or the safety officer? There should have been officers all over that area controlling the entry of the firefighters and constantly checking for changing situations.

I totally agree. I see fire instructors teaching new firefighters the basics with carbon caked helmets and air bottles. Anyone in a leadership role, whether instructing or as an officer should lead by example. You send the right and safe message to the troops and gain their respect as well.

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I totally agree. I see fire instructors teaching new firefighters the basics with carbon caked helmets and air bottles. Anyone in a leadership role, whether instructing or as an officer should lead by example. You send the right and safe message to the troops and gain their respect as well.

I agree with this also. Lead by example and lead safely.

I have not yet taken the "Live Fire Training" Class but I want to as soon as I am able to. But I have another question...the guy throwing stuff into the fire at the beginning with only his bunkers and helmet...Are you not supposed to be fully dressed when you light a building??? So that when something goes wrong (Like with the numb-nuts that went into the fire) you are ready to go and help or at least try to do something without wasting time getting into gear? Just another thought.

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I'm not going to post links, but there are dozens of utube videos showing guys getting hurt and doing stupid stuff at drills.

There is no reason for this kind of stuff to be happening.

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I totally agree. I see fire instructors teaching new firefighters the basics with carbon caked helmets and air bottles. Anyone in a leadership role, whether instructing or as an officer should lead by example. You send the right and safe message to the troops and gain their respect as well.

You are 100% correct. I've seen said instructors/officers your talking about. We even discussed it the day it happened. It is a safety concern and also with any other bad habit, it spreads like wild fire.

Edited by frenchie477

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