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Loudoun County (VA) Fire Rescue cited by the Virginia Department of Labor

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From the secret list ...


Loudoun County (VA) Fire Rescue has been cited by the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry's Occupational Safety and Health Compliance division for violation of workplace safety standards. The violation notice follows a May 25 house fire in which 7 Firefighters were injured and burned. Here is the link to that fire information and video:

According to an article in the Leesburg Today newspaper, specifically, the violation is for "employees that were exposed to fire hazards while engaged in search, rescue and interior structural firefighting activities at a single family residence." LCFR has presented additional information to the state agency in an effort to reverse the findings of a violation. This is the department's first occupation health and safety citation.

The document states that there was insufficient staffing on site at the time that fire-rescue crews entered the burning home on Meadowood Court near Leesburg. The November citation does not impose a fine because Virginia law doesn't allow penalties against public agencies.


One of the things that Chief Goldfeder repeatedly talks about is doing what you can - with what you have. We're not super heroes. If you only have 4 members, you are not going to suppression, search, vent - using risk management you have to decide what can be done. And, perhaps more importantly, what can't be done.

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