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Exempt Fireman

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In looking at Civil Service exam announcements, I always see the question "Are you an Exempt Fireman?"

What, exactly, is an exempt fireman? Exempt from what?

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I asked my dad this question one time and he told me that back in the day you were exempt from jury duty and that sort of stuff.

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In looking at Civil Service exam announcements, I always see the question "Are you an Exempt Fireman?"

What, exactly, is an exempt fireman? Exempt from what?

An Exempt Fireman is a volunteer fireman, who has served a minimum of 5 years as a firefighter in the State of New York. At one point Exempt firemen were exempt from Jury Duty (although i'm not sure if it included Federal Grand Jury) and was supposed to make a positive difference when you applied for positions in some jobs that were civil service. There might be other benefits associated with being Exempt; but i'm not sure what they would be.

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Before the word police correct me, that should read "Exempt Firefighter ".

Thanks for the answers.

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Actually NO! The term is from 150-200 years ago when there were ONLY firemen!

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An Exempt Fireman is a volunteer fireman, who has served a minimum of 5 years as a firefighter in the State of New York. At one point Exempt firemen were exempt from Jury Duty (although i'm not sure if it included Federal Grand Jury) and was supposed to make a positive difference when you applied for positions in some jobs that were civil service. There might be other benefits associated with being Exempt; but i'm not sure what they would be.

All Jury Duty Excemptions have been ended by NYS OCA.

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Actually NO! The term is from 150-200 years ago when there were ONLY firemen!

You are correct; my certificate say's "Fireman" on it.

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One benefit of being an "Exempt" firefighter is access to the Firemen's Home in Hudson. Considering how things are going financially, it may be more important than you think.

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Can you post the exam??

After posting on here for a while, I have become my own word police. Instead of "exam announcements", it should have been "exam applications".

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Not the same thing

Yeah really is not the same thing, the Exempts in Poughkeepsie are basically a social club. Hudson is a place for volunteers that have done their time, and offer a couple of services. Here's the expempts home

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Exempt status in our department is classified as this; After 5 years service a member may request exempt status. Exempt members are not required to make the quota of calls, meetings and drills but can still help with fund raising duties and attend banquets and dept functions. Its a special membership for those members with family and work obligations that may need to take some time off to be with family, or work, or attend school/college. When the member is again available for full duty they only need to request the change from exempt to full duty and not need to apply to the department again, and keep their seniority and length of service. Exempt members may not vote in elections, or have a say in meetings. They also can not hold office in either firematic or administrative positions.

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