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Yonkers FD Airmail

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Isn't it wonderful that we have Yonkers Bravest responding to an alarm and some of the City's Finest Residents decide to learn how to throw a baseball at the expense of some hard working fireman. Maybe we should move these residents to that really nice brick house on Alexander Street (City Jail) PERMANENTLY!!!!!

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Can you say "Ladder Pipe!!!!!" That'll take care of them!

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Just gotta love workin in the "Y-O"

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That's really f-ed up beyond belief that people would do that.

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They throw sh#% at EMS, PD & Fire...... it doesn't matter we're all targets.... just wait till u go to the projects and they drop a mini-refrigorator 12 stories down to you (with love of course)

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Simply stated, many of these "ghetto-dwellers" we lump together under the same name don't know no better. They have respect for nothing in their lives, probaly due to their upbringing. Many were not afforded the same luxuries many of us are acustomed to, and were pretty much oppresed their whole lives, all of which tends to breed violence. Many people have little to no good education, and have menial or no jobs at all. They basically sometimes live like animals.

It's unfair to categorize everybody living in the "Ghetto" as the same. There are many,many good people who have no means to make something of their lives, and are trapped. Can you imagine having to live like them? A select few of the other people who live there are complete vicous animals and morons, or both, and those type of people, although more frequent in the ghetto, exist in the suburbs too. The only way to make a dent in weeding out most of these problem people, IMO, is to give these kids a solid upbringing with a quality education. Otherwise, more bricks will be flying for years in the future.

Unfortunetly for us who work in lower-class areas, this affects us in many ways. You have to always watch out for anything, and remember your safety. As does ANY person working anywhere.

And this doesn't just happen in the "Y-O". It happens all over the country.

Enable the good people to weed out the bad.

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can somebody rehash what happened here? People sarted throwing things at the fire fighters?

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That's pretty much what it sounds like. Another fun filled activity to whittle away the hours of boredom in the big city.

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This does happen quite often. Thats why when 306 takes in medical calls in the Shrodder st. area Rescue1 also responds with them for backup. Almost like having another set of eyes and ears.

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Throw sh-t back at them!!! Plenty of hand tools on the rigs.

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