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Mt Vernon - Perp Search/Injured PO - 03-31-09

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Date: 03/31/09

Time: 1400 ish

Location: Various Locations in Mt Vernon

Frequency: WCPD, MVPD

Units Operating: WCPD Surface Transportation Unit, Patrol, K-9 (Bloodhound), Aviation, SOD, DD. MVPD Patrol, ESU, K-9, Intel, Street Crime, DD.

Weather Conditions: Clear

Description Of Incident: WCPD plainclothes unit attempted car stop on E 4th St. During stop two males fought with officers and fled leaving behind two handguns. One suspect apprehended hiding nearby by MVPD. Second suspect believed to be in private residence a few blocks away. Perimeter established, numerous roads blocked. K-9 doing track from original scene. Aviation conducting canvas in area.

Injured PO removed to WCMC with non life threatening injury.

K-9 track terminated between original scene and house under surveillance.

PD waiting for warrant to make entry.

Warrant obtained, MVPD ESU entered residence. Several occupants being questioned but suspect not in building.

Perimeter being broken down, aviation released from scene.

All units clear at 1630 hours.

(sorry I didn't catch all the times)

Reporters: VelcroMedic1987 and some other Bravo'ers who can't be named because their bosses read this!

Writer: VelcroMedic1987

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