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American Hero Marcus Luttrell's Puppy Murdered

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I caught wind of this on Glenn Beck two days ago and it made me sick to my stomach. Apparently these guys were out killing dogs for fun.

I urge everyone to go to the below link and watch the youtube video about this video:

For those of you that don't know, Marcus Luttrell wrote the book Lone Survivor and former member of Seal Team 10. The book is about Operation Redwing in which his team was tasked with observing and capturing/killing a high-ranking Taliban operative. They were subsequently ambushed and SEALs Danny Dietz, Matt Axelson and Michael Murphy (native of Long Island and carried FDNY L43/E53 patch with him on all deployments) lost their life. Marcus survived and was rescued.

Edited by Goose

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sick sick sick SOBs...poor dog and Marcus. what a shame. i am a dog lover and can feel this guys pain. i hope these punks are put away for a longer time than 2's not just the fact that they killed a dog, it's the fact that they are not right upstairs.

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This is the sickest, most disturbing story I have ever seen. I have read Marcus' book, and he is nothing short of an American icon. The harship he has gone through thus far is unbelieveable, and like he said on the interview (and in his book) he has nightmares every night about his fateful mission. I am also a dog lover, and the combination of these two makes me want to throw up. My thoughts are with him, and I hope they put these psychos in jail for a long time; better yet they should put all of them in a ring with Luttrell and hope they survive more than two minutes.

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This is the sickest, most disturbing story I have ever seen. I have read Marcus' book, and he is nothing short of an American icon. The harship he has gone through thus far is unbelieveable, and like he said on the interview (and in his book) he has nightmares every night about his fateful mission. I am also a dog lover, and the combination of these two makes me want to throw up. My thoughts are with him, and I hope they put these psychos in jail for a long time; better yet they should put all of them in a ring with Luttrell and hope they survive more than two minutes.

No, what they should do with these 2 mopes, is turn them loose, give 'em a 15 second lead, then let a couple hungry K9s chase 'em down and have about 1 minute with them.

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No, what they should do with these 2 mopes, is turn them loose, give 'em a 15 second lead, then let a couple hungry K9s chase 'em down and have about 1 minute with them.

I second that !!!!

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