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The Swine Flu Panic has officially begun

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Every single news outlet is obsessing over the swine flu outbreaks and the potential impending pandemic, but minimizing the spread of this bug is SO simple:

Wash your hands a LOT, people. All the time, every time you touch anything in public or anyone you deal with as patient, prisoner, whatever. Wash with soap and warm water for the amount of time it takes you to sing "Happy Birthday." Not kidding-- 20 to 30 seconds minimum is necessary to kill cooties. OR carry a packet of sanitizer wipes with you and use them instead, but just as often. Keep lotion on you too- those wipes are alcohol-based and dry the cr** out of hands.

Police/fire/healthcare providers and EMS in those towns with big immigrant populations (like Mt. Kisco, Brewster, etc.) need to be the most vigilant and careful right now so they don't pick up those bad cooties and bring them home to their families.

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Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 1:50 PM

To: All County EMS, Fire and First Responder Agencies

From: Michael Volk, Chief, EMS & Communications

Re: Swine Flu Information

Date: April 27, 2009

Swine Flu Information:

As you know there have been cases of swine influenza detected throughout

the United States, including New York City. Swine flu is a contagious

airborne (droplet) transmitted respiratory infection. EMS agencies and

first responders should take the necessary precautions to protect

themselves and prevent

transmission. The following outlines key strategies for EMS agencies

(including Fire Department first responders) to implement for protection

of their members.

Agency Chief Officers and Administrators:

* Raise awareness of all members and staff

* Monitor the news and websites(below) for the latest information.

* Assure the appropriate respiratory protection equipment (N95) and

cleaning supplies are available on all vehicles and to all patient care


Those who provide Direct Patient Care:

* Be alert when dispatched to EMS requests for respiratory distress,

reports of a sick person and fever related calls.

* Perform initial interview of all patients from at least 2 meters

(6.5 feet) away to determine if personal protective equipment (N95,

gloves, etc.) precautions are necessary.

* Place a mask on all patients with suspected influenza symptoms

before approach. Use a surgical mask or non-rebreather mask (when oxygen

is required).

* Whenever droplet producing procedures are utilized, including

nebulizers, bag valve-mask, suctioning or intubation crew members shall

wear the appropriate respiratory protection equipment (N-95 mask). If

bag-valve-masks are needed, use BVMs with HEPA filters if possible.

* Alert receiving hospital personnel of the possibility of an

infectious patient as soon as possible. Hold suspected infectious

patients in the ambulance until their destination in the hospital is

known, rather than having to wait at a nursing station or ED hallway.

* Thoroughly wash you hands with warm water and soap following any

patient contact..

* Perform a thorough cleaning of the stretcher and all equipment

that has come in contact with or been within 2 meters (6.5 feet) with an

approved disinfectant, upon completion of the call following CDC interim

guidelines for cleaning EMS transport vehicles

( This includes

airing out the patient compartment and disinfecting the cab interior.

EG: Steering wheel, seat belts, door handles, crab rails, etc.

* Stay home if you are sick.

The Department of Emergency Services is working closely with the County

Department of Health and

will attempt to keep EMS agencies and other emergency response

organizations notified of any updates.

Additional information regarding Swine Flu is made available by the New

York State Department of

Health at


Michael Volk, Chief

EMS & Communications Division

Westchester County Dept. of Emergency Services

4 Dana Road

Valhalla, NY 10595-1548

Buss.: 914-231-1684

Fax: : 914-231-1698

email: <>



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