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From: Age Limits, Civil Service Tests, And The Economy

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I have not taken civil service exams nor even had a desire to but the rules regarding application for a job are the rules. You cant bend them for one person and not for everyone else it defeats the logic and purpose behind the rules, requirements and laws of civil service.

I feel bad for this guy but if he really wanted to be a cop that badly then he had over 10 years prior to him being too old in order to do so. Being in the military or other career is no excuse unfortunately.

You want to be a volly but you don't want to take the test. Sounds like your scared to me!! I guess being able to roll over and turn off your pager for the BS calls is fine for you cause you don't want to join the show. Or maybe its the other way around and you don't show for the calls that make you a firefighter and you only show for the free beer and hot dogs. At least your man enough to admit it. As for our Vets, you should really watch how you speak to them, they're the ones who made sure we were not commies as you so quickly accused a vet of being.

Edited by lad12derff

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You want to be a volly but you don't want to take the test. Sounds like your scared to me!! I guess being able to roll over and turn off your pager for the BS calls is fine for you cause you don't want to join the show. Or maybe its the other way around and you don't show for the calls that make you a firefighter and you only show for the free beer and hot dogs. At least your man enough to admit it.

There's an awful lot of assumption in that post. I disagree with the kids' posting on the military, but some people are perfectly content being a volunteer. Not everyone wants to do it as a career. There's nothing wrong with wanting a quote-unquote "regular" job and wanting to volunteer in your free time. That does not, I repeat NOT make him a coward.

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