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Thanks to Bedford FD!

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The other day on my home from Stamford, I really had to visit a restroom, and a tree would not do, as I was in uniform. As I was passing Bedford FH, hoping someone was outside or door open or something, I was shocked and thankful to not only see someone outside, but a legal open parking space was available! So thanks to the guy washing his truck(forget his name....) for letting me relieve my bladder!

Sorry, just wanted to get a thank you out there to Bedford FD. It's great to see that the door is always open to help someone, no matter how minor in ways...

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wow u r really weird y would u want to know that. u must have a sick mind

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Considering the guy opened with the tree remark, I think it's a valid question.

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I opened with the tree remark only because i was in UNIFORM, and getting seen peeing against a tree would not look good in the public eye. Remember, public image is EVERYTHING! and alot of FFs forget that. I will not rant more about that now, maybe later...

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I opened with the tree remark only because i was in UNIFORM, and getting seen peeing against a tree would not look good in the public eye.  Remember, public image is EVERYTHING!  and alot of FFs forget that.  I will not rant more about that now, maybe later...

What kind of UNIFORM were you wearing? :-k and if you weren't wearing a UNIFORM what would you have done? You still have to be decent!!!

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If ya gotta go...ya gotta go! Don't pick on the poor guy for merely suggesting that the nearest tree had potential for being his relief station. He DIDN'T.....instead, he stopped in at BFD. And if any of you can honestly say you've NEVER been in a situation where alternative/creative potty locations have been either thought of or used in a crunch...well, then you're a better man than I, Gunga Din.


Guy hadda take a ^%#%!!!!


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Who would have thought, a thread on urinating in public - WHAT"S NEXT?!?!?!?

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What's so bad about stopping somewhere to relieve the calls of nature? I mean, if he were in uniform and standing on the side of I-95 watering the pretty foliage, I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't have looked good for either him or his department. So the poor guy stopped at a place where he knew he would be welcomed and then posted here as a sign of gratitute. There's nothing wrong with that at all. And besides, public urination gets you a pretty nasty summons if you get caught...

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Well, so have I, but just not in uniform. And remember, shake only twice 'cuz the third might be the cop shaking you from That actually happened to a buddy of mine and he got nailed with a summons and a $150 court fine.

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More replies to a "bladder discharge" then there's been in some TRAINING CATEGORIES!!!!!

You're all nuts!

And, for the record, I have given back to nature many times.

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All I wanted to do was say thanks for letting me use the head! I didnt mean to start a philosophical discussion on p!$$ing against a tree!

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Trees can be used for many things: lumber, paper, urinating station.

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God Almighty, all the man wanted to do was to thank BFD!!!!

Got me reminiscing though, and, all of a sudden, I had a flashback to Mel Gibson on "When we were soldiers..." movie showing Lt.Col. Hal Moore (now Ret.Gen. Moore, no offense meant to you sir) showing tremendous leadership by starting a mass wizz into the mortar launcher tubes to cool them off (water had run out)!!!! Ahhh, good old American ingenuity!!!!

Allright, back to work everyone........

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