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Tappan Zee Bridge - Jumper Down - 1/14/10

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Location:Hudson River X TZB Mid Span

Frequency:Fire 14, others

Units Operating:NYSP, Rockland units

Weather Conditions:

Description Of Incident:Jumper Down


Approx 0745: Tarrytown FD, Irvington FD, Sleepy Hollow FD, Tarrytown VAC, Greenburgh EMS, with Rockland units, dispacthed for a possible jumper up.

Westchester FD Marine units unable to respond due to heavy ice flow on the Westchester side. Rockland units responded with NYS Thruway tug due to heavy ice flow on Rockland side.

0815: Rockland 10-1 advising FD divers are enroute on Thruway tug

0817: Rockland 10-1 advising victim has been located

0830: Rockland 10-1 advising divers in water, still unable to rescue victim, difficult location.

Edited by gpdexplorer

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