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Mt Vernon 2/28/05 discussion

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Pelham was toned out to head to Sta. 3 with an engine at about 3:54. Right after they acknowledged, Mt Vernon cancelled them as the fire was 'knocked down' and other M/A units were going to Sta 3.

I was wondering, anyone know how quickly FDMV called for M/A? It seems to me like the 1 and 1 to the scene was premature but quickly corrected.

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Well depending on the type of building at hand and their manpower, calling mutual aid quick for them is never a bad idea. Maybe get another dept's help before it might get outta hand. For the amount of manpower they have and their call volume they do a damn good job tho.

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nothing is premature when you run with limited manpower,in this case they had a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 family dwelling,330 in the morning and a present fire condition. Don't forget that fdmv responds in with approx 13 firefighters and 4 officers on the initial alarm. deduct the mpo's - 3 that gives you 10,deduct 1 more being the chiefs aide -1 that gives you 9. hose placement,venting,searching the fire building cannot be effectively done with the remaining persons. in this case they made an agressive attack with good results being that the fire went out! limited extension into the attic and a good job by all. don't forget that when you transmit additional alarms you are only getting 1 more engine with 2 men on it be cause the 4th due engine is supposed to be the fast replacing the 3rd due as the fast team because they were put to work. As MV fights the fire there is still approx 70,000 + residents that need fire protection, so another eng/trk is called in to cover the city with 6 or so firefighters.

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It looked bad and the call was made. The boy's made a great stop =D> and the m/a was rerouted. Better safe than sorry!

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Believe me, im not arguing FDMV's call for M/A. It just seemed like they waited a bit before calling anyone. Then, when they did call, they went with more than was needed. Sure, if it looks bad, call in what you might need and cancel as needed just like they did. I was just thinking maybe a call should have been made a little sooner.

Definitely a great job with the stop. Thats what i like to see. Still getting it done with limited resources, not enough can be said to show support.

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Pelham was toned out to head to Sta. 3 with an engine at about 3:54.  Right after they acknowledged, Mt Vernon cancelled them as the fire was 'knocked down' and other M/A units were going to Sta 3.  

I was wondering, anyone know how quickly FDMV called for M/A? It seems to me like the 1 and 1 to the scene was premature but quickly corrected.

I don't undersatnd- This is monday morning Quarterbacking- you weren't there, Everybody in westchester county knows Mount Vernon is way understaffed, Like alot of other departments. Man its seems like they are damn if they do and damn if they don't. Just a thought- Did I say that out loud? :roll: :wink:

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Call it what you wish. All i really wanted to know, as i tried to get across in my second post, was why they didnt call for M/A a little sooner. It appeared as though they waited and waited and then had to call in more than they may have needed.

I am very aware that i wasnt there. All i knew was that my pager woke me up this morning when the call for an engine came in. And very soon after, the career guys were told to stand down because the fire was knocked down and E22 (New Rochelle) and TL 3 (Pelham manor) were being sent to Sta. 3.

So as i said before, i was just curious as to why FDMV may have waited on the M/A call. Yes we all know they are understaffed. I just thought maybe they would have gotten the help right away instead of waiting. As i also said in my second post, call in what you think you will need and cancel if the situation gets better. Thats much better than finding out you didnt call for enough from the start.

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So as i said before, i was just curious as to why FDMV may have waited on the M/A call.

Ok here's the scoop they were on scene at 0334, all hands at 0336, 2nd alarm at 0338, 3rd alarm at 0340 also at that point the m/a was called for. Heavy fire on arrival on #2 floor. As u can see it got busy real fast and there was not much of a wait. As said before Good stop = turn back the m/a. Shantz hope that clears it up.

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Thanks CAM502, that does clear it up. Much appreciated.

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I agree about the Monday morning quarterbacking. Shantz02, when you're the IC you get to make all the calls & then let the second-guessing begin.

It sounds like FDMV did a great job. Let's concentrate on the good that is done out there everyday & stop nitpicking every little detail.

Bottom line: The fire was k/d w/ no injuries & limited extension. Way to go FDMV!

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Why is it we have a 20 post minimum on any fire in mt vernon. I think we talked about thiet issue enough.

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just a quick question for the tax payers from pelham,are they aware that when pelham fd goes mutual aid to MV that overtime is called in to cover the pelham firehouse as the others respond into MV to either cover the city of MV who again abuses the mutual aid plan,like the mayor of MV says " my fire dept doesn't need more manpower,i have mutual aid"! heres something to think about,what happens when one of the pelham firefighters or another incoming dept comes in on mutual aid and he gets hurt and can no longer work as a firefighter? right now there is 2 firefighters from NR that are no longer serving the city of NR because of LOD injury from a MV fire? just something else to keep this subject alive. be safe !

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just a quick question for the tax payers from pelham,are they aware that when pelham fd goes mutual aid to MV that overtime is called in to cover the pelham firehouse as the others respond into MV to either cover the city of MV who again abuses the mutual aid plan,like the mayor of MV says " my fire dept doesn't need more manpower,i have mutual aid"! heres something to think about,what happens when one of the pelham firefighters or another incoming dept comes in on mutual aid and he gets hurt and can no longer work as a firefighter? right now there is 2 firefighters from NR that are no longer serving the city of NR because of LOD injury from a MV fire? just something else to keep this subject alive. be safe !


Well I started to type a big long response to this but instead I have just a question.

What do you propose be done (and keep in mind the FD doesn't control the politicians)?

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good question cam,if we only knew? not many outside departments have stood their ground when it comes to the mutual aid abuse. yonkers is about the only one. somehow,someway,somebody needs to address this to where it might get better. i know that things don't happen overnight but with the chiefs from all the depts involved need to rectify the problem asap,not a year from now after the "pace" report. its a very deep problem and with no solution in sight i don't know what to say. many of us talk about what needs to be done but its easy to talk about but not easy to resolve! I am sure that this happens throughout the nation and somehow,someway, somebody came up with a solution for this very serious problem! Be safe!

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CAM502 said

What do you propose be done (and keep in mind the FD doesn't control the politicians)?

It's simple, the city of Mount Vernon has a resposibilty to the people of Mount Vernon- Public Safety. They must hire more manpower. [-o< END OF STORY!!!!

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