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E-ONE Introducing New Severe Duty Cab at FDIC

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E-ONE Introducing New Severe Duty Cab at FDIC

04.13.10 Ocala() Ocala, FL (April 13, 2010) – E-ONE will be introducing a new severe duty cab interior at the 2010 Fire Department Instructor’s Conference in Indianapolis next week.

The robust construction of the new cab trim was developed for departments needing extreme duty interiors due to their rigorous use of the apparatus.

“Many years ago all we had were ‘metal’ dash boards and limited interior trim options, around 25 years ago the industry migrated to ABS interior trim allowing for automotive-type styling,” said Joe Hedges, E-ONE product manager. “Recently we’ve seen a growing number of departments requesting interiors with more robust components, so we’ve reinvented the metal dash into a severe duty interior.”

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All these new "Severe Duty/Service" cabs crack me up. They're basically nothing more than the manufacturers realizing they've been pumping out inferior, plastic covered crap over the past decade, and have decided to start building them like they used to, where they won't fall apart after a few years worth of use. No plastic interior trim, no pain in the a** multiplex systems, heavy duty components, etc. How great is that, when you think about it...a whole marketing scheme designed to turn something negative into a sales pitch! Of course no surprise, Pierce started the trend with the Arrow XT, then KME and now E-One follow suit. Gotta love it, only in America can you actually make money by admitting in a roundabout way that you've been producing crap for years.

BTW, seeing "E-One" and "severe service" in the same sentence makes me laugh. You couldn't pay me enough to take one of those recycled beer cans. I will never forgive them for what they did with Saulsbury. The day E-One and that garbage truck manufacturer that uses the once-proud "American LaFrance" name finally close their doors forever can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned.

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Actually, out of all the current manufacturers, Seagrave was THE original "heavy duty" fire apparatus.......all these other departments are trying to copy them.

Has anyone seen photos yet?

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