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Mobile phone

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Begining of June I upgraded to a Nextel Blackberry. Reason I'm posting this is to ask if any other members had/have a similar phone, or issue. My e-mail links right up to the face of the phone now and I get a nice little red light when an e-mail comes in. Only problem I found was all my email to that address went strictly to the Blackberry from the point of activation forward, no more pulling it up on the computer! Was in touch with my e-mail provider AOL, and suprisingly was informed by an employee that it's their (AOL's) fault; a problem with their servers that they supposedly are working on.

I bring it up here because the EMTBravo server works so well through AOL into the phone. I've been getting amazing new messages if somebody quotes a post. Been in close contact with a couple of members here as well as a result of sending/getting PMs on the phone.

Was away for a while, so if I missed the news about getting PM notifications, I can only report the system is working well.

But between EMTBravo, and a couple of really good fire department news e-mails I stayed in decent touch with fire news, even being away from a computer for most of a month. Actually, that part was refreshing, but to get this gadget as all of you before me that already own this or something even greater have known for quite some time I'm sure, is great to have all that info in hand.

So the question was email server directing all your mail to your handheld device. Anybody else?

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Check you Blackberry Internet Service email settings, best done on a PC through the web site ( You will need your user name and password to log in. Once you are logged in you will have access to the email addresses you have set up on your phone you can set up to have all email go to your phone or just certain emails based on criteria e.g. email address, subject, etc. and the rest not forwarded. You can also check and see if it is set where if you delete from the BB it deletes from the server also make sure it leaves a copy on the server for a set time after receiving e.g. 2 days or indefinitely to give you time to log on with a PC. Good luck.

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