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Who Makes The "BEST" SCBA's?

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I ask this question, not necessarily based upon History or Reputation, but in reality !!! Price Not Being An Issue, who makes the BEST SCBA's on the Market? Is it SCOTS, SURVIVAIR, or MSA ? (Again, don't let price or prior reputation get in the way, if your life was depenent on the unit functioning properly, how would you RANK these 3 manufacturers 1, 2 or 3 and WHY ?)

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As I sat before replying, I was going through my head the different types of SCBA's I've worn or have dealt with in other capacities of the fire service and what one I liked or disliked about each and what particular model I felt was the "best." Out of the 3 I've used, and a couple that I've seen (and broke) I perfer SCOTT, however....

As I thought about it, what it comes down to in my opinion is the pack you have has to be the best. You make it the best it will every be. You have to know it inside and out, its operation, emergency procedures, reduced profile and full escape procedures. If there is one piece of equipment that your life will depend on its your SCBA.

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When I was at Firehouse Expo in Baltimore a few years back, we were at the MSA Booth and put on the MSA packs, although not in a working setting, they seemed pretty comfortable. I remember they had little details like a swivel at the base of the back, so as you lean forward, back, and side to side, the back and waist strap moved with you. Also, I recently saw that MSA now makes a bailout rope assembly integrated into the pack. I have not seen how this works, and if it works well, but it seems like a good idea. If anyone has used/seen it used, I would like to know how they performed.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Westchester County is entirely Scott.

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Yes, I also believe that Westchester County is entirely SCOTS PAKS, with a smattering of MSA's up in the Northern Counties. I spoke with a Cheif out in New Jersey about the Survivair Sigma SCBA and he now swears by them. Said they are the Best Thing on the Market Today. He was quoted as saying it was the CADILLAC of SCBA's !!

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Between the two depts. Ive been with, I've worked fires with MSA and Scott. In the end I have to go with Scott. The MSA is WAY more comfortable and has some nice add-on features, but in the end it comes down to simple workability. For operations such as reduced profile, nothing compares with the Scott, its just basic, and I think basic is terrific for this business.

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