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"Thermite" Firefighting Robot

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As some of you may know, I like the show "Howe And Howe Tech" on the Discovery Channel, as I wrote about in this thread:

In the Season 2 premiere last night, they came up with an idea for a firefighting robot, named Thermite. They made it clear that this was for scouting, industrial fires, and other fires too dangerous for a firefighter to go into. The show will chronicle the construction, testing, and application of the robot. They also pointed out that bomb squads and other organazations use robots for dangerous situations, and this is just meant to be another tool for a firefighter to use, and not to replace firefighters.

The world's first fire-fighting Unmanned Ground Vehicle, this rugged little powerhouse carries a dual fire suppression system and a robotic arm that can pull incapacitated victims to safety. An array of color and thermal cameras provides full surveillance for the remote operator. THERMITE can even open doors, turn valves and press elevator buttons!



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