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City accidentally demolishes home

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I can't believe this actually happens! In some cases, I can see how the mistake is made though. And it is a common occurence, in a variety of places due to a variety of errors!

The American dream of home ownership didn't exactly exit the last decade on a high note, with the mortgage sector on still-shaky ground, the housing market stagnating and foreclosures at historic highs. So it was gratuitously devastating for Andre Hall of Pittsburgh -- who was in the process of reclaiming a foreclosed property, no less -- to return from the holidays to discover that the city had accidentally demolished his property.

"My dream is done now," Hall told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review after the foreclosed home he bought in November was accidentally flattened. "Someone needs to man up and take responsibility for this."


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someone screwed the pooch royally on this one. I hope Mr. Hall finds a really good lawyer and takes the city for all its worth.

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