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IMPORTANT: If You Have Tried To Email Us And Haven't Gotten A Reply

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If you have emailed us using the address in the past several months INCLUDING replying to any emails from the forum list, there is a strong chance we did not get your message due to a technical error. Again, this includes if you have replied to any of these forum emails.

If you haven't heard back from us, please re-email to our master address at IS working again, however, and we are now confirmed to be recieving all emails sent to that address. (We did get all emails sent to that address on our mail server, they just weren't delivered to our local computer. To clarify, we got them, but we didn't get them. Now that we have them, due to sheer volume of the backlog, there is no possible way to reply to the emails)

Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvience.

Seth G.

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