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WMC- Another bump in the road, literally

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I, like many of my EMS professional collegues, like to give our patients a smooth, comfortable ride. Due to the road conditions in Westchester, this is many times a difficult task.

For approximetly two months now, the main access road the WMC trauma center has contained a large depressionthat spans the width of the road. This is a result of installation of a new gas main that was installed months ago. I do understand that they are awaiting a final topcoat pave, this issue needs attention before then. Although this may seem minor and petty to some, this creates quite a large,jarring and uncomfortable bump for patients riding in the back of an ambulance, even when traveling below 5MPH.

Although as I mentioned, roads are bumpy. However, this is a regional medical center, and such a problem that causes discomfort to patients, especially those suffering from fractures and other trauma that frequently come in via EMS to WMC. There is a another access, but this access takes additional 1-2 minutes of time. I just cannot understand why this situation has not been noticed or corrected, and temporary patch asphalt is still in place.

And while I'm at it, who do I see to get the EMS report room/after call lounge back??????????

Here are some photos:




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Hopefully the bump in the road is only temporary. I seem to recall the bump outside Phelps being pretty aweful too. Has that gotten any better/smoothed out yet? When HVHC opened the new wing, they had these cobblestone "speed bumps" like they have around the other side of the building, in the front of the ER so that each and every ambulance that came in hit one or two of them going into the Emergency bay. Thankfully those went the way of the Do-Do.

As for the EMS report room. I personally don't think it's that big a deal. When was the last time you were there and didn't have a place to write? There is a while seating area in Trauma that is usually underutilized. That where I usually plan myself to write a report, at least going to T-ER. For peds, I just write a quickie at the nurses station. I'm used to standing anyways. It's easier than walking back to the "report room" writing, then walking all the way back to peds for delivery. And if a nurse needs some information, they have to walk across two units to get it. I'd rather stay local.

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Hopefully the bump in the road is only temporary. 

Temporary, of course due to the ongoing construction and finishing of the childrens hospital. But this bump has been there for several months now, and according to the contractor, will be there for a "few more weeks".

    As for the EMS report room. I personally don't think it's that big a deal. When was the last time you were there and didn't have a place to write? There is a while seating area in Trauma that is usually underutilized.

Is there a place to write on most occasions? Yes.But this room was in built in the ED for US. It has a direct door to the ambulance bay and the ED, and contained 4 large and seperate report stations with phones with a 60 tie in, internet access ports, a sink for hand washing, a drinking water dispenser, a fridge, a coffeemaker, and a closet for restock supplies, paperwork and linen. It also had a bulletin board for continuing education and other notices of communication The fact this was taken over by the ANSC nurses, and the fact there are plenty of other places for them in the facilty, irks me. This was for US, built and designed to make our lives easier.

This ER is extremly poorly designed for EMS, and the hospital staff. This office being used as a nursing office is a shame. Along with the extremly small and tight ED bay with small spaces. And it's a haul to take patients in, emergency or transport. There should be a seperate txp enterance closer to the main facility This is a regional trauma center, the ER should show it in its design! I will take you to my old ED when they open the new one and show you what a real Level I trauma center ED looks like!!!

But I digress.....

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Which ER is that? Yeah I hear you about the room and it's original purpose. But your post brings up a more interesting thing I've had problems with. You should have to go around searching for a hand wash station. Yeah, it's great that they have a sink in each room. Yeah it's great that we can jump in a shower if we need to cool off (I mean decon stuff). But I shouldn't have to "intrude" in a trauma room to use the sink. Or have to wait for someone to get out of the can/head/crapper/john/toilet/bathroom/bano to wash my hands. ](*,)

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Ahhh yes, ye ole' Phelps baby bump.

I think we had 2 or 3 incidents over the years where we would be transporting a woman in labor, and at the moment we hit that bump, out came the baby! I am fairly positive at least one or two of the pink storks on 55B1 can be attributed to that roadway blemish.

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Oh sure. Blame te bump for the crappy ride you get in the back of that thing. :-> IS that the rig with no window through to the cab so you need to radio the driver to tell him to stop? :-> Kent's rig used to be like that (for all I know it could still be).

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At least the lovely sheds with Decon have been emptied, looks like they put everything in the big white trailer that sits there now. And how bout a few more signs pointing us to the new ER entrance, when you dont frequent it often it gets confusing.

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From what I hear, they are still in the process of putting up more permanent signs for the trauma center, helipad, new hospital, and various other moved departments and parking lots. For now (and an absurd amout of months) we still get those temporary red signs that say "EMERGENCY" and expect that you know how to get to that sign in the first place. In any event, drive towards the new building, then the big helicopter (the one not going anywhere) and you are at least in the right ball park.

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speaking of the big helicoptor, whats it doing there? Looks to be a little close to the building to go anywhere, is it anohter prop for the childrens hospital?

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Yeah, that's not going anywhere, that's not the real helipad. The real helipad is on the other side of the parking lot, adjacent to where the ER ambulance entrance is. The older looking helicopter is not in operation, it's just display to look cool at the level 1 trauma center with the real helicopters. The helicopters right now--from what I understand--are still operating from the old helipad near the old ER entrance... Not sure about that though, someone who goes up there more often might be able to confirm.

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Oh sure. Blame te bump for the crappy ride you get in the back of that thing. :-> IS that the rig with no window through to the cab so you need to radio the driver to tell him to stop? :-> Kent's rig used to be like that (for all I know it could still be).

Yup, 55B1 is the biggest P.O.S. on earth, and we have an intercom that hardly works for Driver / Crew communications.

It's the Pinto of ambulances.

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Forgive my ignorance but what are ANSC nurses. "Our" ofifice is always empty and locked. And that sink issue is true you have to wash up in patient rooms or the slop sink in a closet.

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going back to the WMC bump..take it one wheel at a time and cross the dbl yelllow. Itsets the bus arockin, but its not nearly as jarring

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The helicopters are indeed still using the old helicopter in the back. Which is absurd when you think about how far the team has to walk to get a patient to the Trauma ER. The artist renditions of the new helicopter pad show the "pit" being filled with water. I've seen some rain accumulating in there lately. Maybe they are waiting for it to fill up. [-(

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The helo pad was supppsed to be filled with water before use, to prevent debris from becoming airborne around the helo during its landing wash.

From what I am hearing now, it will not be used until all the construction is complete, for fear of construction debris and loose landscaping becoming projectiles in the helocopter wash.

I have also heard a RUMOR, rumor only, that this pad may not even be used....the risk managment people are worried about liability in landing the helo frequentyl in such an open, busy area.

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I have also heard a RUMOR, rumor only, that this pad may not even be used....the risk managment people are worried about liability in landing the helo frequentyl in such an open, busy area.

They need to move the helo pad to the area that is the parking lot between the ERs and Macy pavilion. Reclaim the helo pad that is there now and expand the other parking lot, or make a seperate one to replace the spots lost by the helo pad. I have to agree with the whole risk of landing on the pad as is. People see a helicopter landing, they stop and stare, they stop driving along the road there, etc. No doubt in my mind that someone will eventually get hit by something, only to sue the hospital.

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I'd like to know who was responsible for planning this entire project with the new building, the new ED, the new helicopter pad, etc etc etc. The campus is huge, there is no shortage of room, there is no shortage of ability to organize things. To top it off, it's the biggest, central hospital in Westchester County, building new facilities should simply be the best and easiest and most modern possible. It really is a piss-poor job of planning and execution for the key hospital in the area. Am I wrong or are there just too many things wrong with this whole thing, from money to absolute horrible layout and organization.

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I'd like to know who was responsible for planning this entire project with the new building, the new ED, the new helicopter pad, etc etc etc. The campus is huge, there is no shortage of room, there is no shortage of ability to organize things. To top it off, it's the biggest, central hospital in Westchester County, building new facilities should simply be the best and easiest and most modern possible. It really is a piss-poor job of planning and execution for the key hospital in the area. Am I wrong or are there just too many things wrong with this whole thing, from money to absolute horrible layout and organization.

VERY WELL SAID ROEEMS87!!! =D> I agree 100%

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The "Bump In The Road" was finally fixed!! I heard it was done last Friday, and felt it for myself yesterday.

Now if only we could get the curb cut in, lol!

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I heard someone say they think Jimmy Hoffa is under that section so they are going to dig it up again.

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