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Guest alsfirefighter

New Updates to V & T Law

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These are new additions added to Sections 375 and 1180 of the V&T Law passed on to me from a FPS with OFPC for EVOC instructors and those whom do vehicle lighting, he passed along to note the bold sections for new or stronger wording.

4. Blue light. One blue light may be affixed to any motor vehicle owned by a volunteer member of a fire department or on a motor vehicle owned by a member of such person's family residing in the same household or by a business enterprise in which such person has a proprietary interest or by which he or she is employed, provided such volunteer1 firefighter has been authorized in writing to so affix a blue light by the chief of the fire department or company of which he or she is a member, which authorization shall be subject to revocation at any time by the chief who issued the same or his or her successor in office. Such blue light may be displayed exclusively by such volunteer2 firefighter on such a vehicle only when engaged in an emergency operation. The use of blue and red light combinations shall be prohibited on all fire vehicles. The use of blue lights on fire vehicles shall be prohibited and the use of blue lights on vehicles shall be restricted for use only by a volunteer firefighter as provided for in this paragraph.

5. Green light. One green light may be affixed to any motor vehicle owned by a member of a volunteer ambulance service, or on a motor vehicle owned by a member of such person's family, or by a business enterprise in which such person has a proprietary interest or by which he is employed, provided such member has been authorized in writing to so affix a green light by the chief officer of such service as designated by the members thereof. Such green light may be displayed exclusively by such member of a volunteer ambulance service only when engaged in an emergency operation. The use of green lights on vehicles shall be restricted for use only by a member of a volunteer ambulance service as provided for in this paragraph.

Section 1180

(e) The driver of every vehicle shall, consistent with the requirements of subdivision (a) of this section, drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railway grade crossing, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when approaching and passing by an emergency situation involving any authorized emergency vehicle which is parked, stopped or standing on a highway and which is displaying one or more red or combination red and white lights pursuant to the provisions of paragraph two of subdivision forty-one of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, and when any special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians, or other traffic by reason of weather or highway conditions, including, but not limited to a highway construction or maintenance work area.

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so I guess Yonkers FD will remain in violation of the VTL

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As will several Police agencies in the Lower Hudson Valley Area

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I think you need to read it again.

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Several FD Chief vehicles will be in violation.

Truck I picked up on what you are saying.

"use of blue lights on vehicles shall be restricted for use only by a volunteer firefighter as provided for in this paragraph."

Key phrase "in this paragraph." PD vehicles don't fit in any description in the entire thing, so guess what.

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It could be read that volunteer firefighters can only use one light but PD's could use two or more, but not only one.

I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case based on the fact that PD's aren't mentioned. In cases like this what isn't indentified is just as important as what is.

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