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I have a problem with members asking to see pictures of fatal accidents, and asking about accidents that "they" heard had fatal injuries. I understand that this is a Small percentage of the members. Even with that if lay people hear this what do you think they say and/or repeat to other people? It only takes one person to screw it up, how many people work where one employee has ruined something for all other employees. So before you say something or type it, please think of the possible consequences. All other fire and EMS personal would appreciate it, sorry for the rant this is just what I think.

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Not to step on any toes here, but how is this different from posting pictures of fires, be they fatal or not?? Reason I ask is because a friend of mine is a photographer/videographer out in CA and he's been getting the same kind of feedback. If it is done with taste, IE No limbs hanging out of a wreck or guts splattered across the Taconic, I don't see any problem with posting pictures. Maybe I'm not getting it.

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Not to step on any toes here, but how is this different from posting pictures of fires, be they fatal or not?? Reason I ask is because a friend of mine is a photographer/videographer out in CA and he's been getting the same kind of feedback. If it is done with taste, IE No limbs hanging out of a wreck or guts splattered across the Taconic, I don't see any problem with posting pictures. Maybe I'm not getting it.

Your not alone. I don't get it completely either....but then again I don't get alot of things. (well not right away anyway)

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Not to step on any toes here, but how is this different from posting pictures of fires, be they fatal or not?? Reason I ask is because a friend of mine is a photographer/videographer out in CA and he's been getting the same kind of feedback. If it is done with taste, IE No limbs hanging out of a wreck or guts splattered across the Taconic, I don't see any problem with posting pictures. Maybe I'm not getting it.

I personally don't have a problem with that, but don't ask to see pictures or seem over eager to find out info because you think or hear that it was a fatal incident. I hope I making my point to you clearly, sorry if I'm not.

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Should the EMTBravo Network should create a policy regarding posting images from LODDs as well as PIAAs/PDOAs involving apparatus/MOSes? These images seem to really evoke strong emotions on the part of members; the images can be painful to friends and coworkers if stumbled upon. Comments?

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Should the EMTBravo Network should create a policy regarding posting images from LODDs as well as PIAAs/PDOAs involving apparatus/MOSes?  These images seem to really evoke strong emotions on the part of members; the images can be painful to friends and coworkers if stumbled upon.  Comments?

There is a policy-standard that I have abided by, although not published. It is on my list of things to do to post that though.

These types of photos have not been published, nor will be. The exception is incidents where something may be learned or gained from the display of the photos, and that's only with the express permission of the subjects involved in the incident (such as we walked away from this because we were wearing our seatbelts...such was the reason why the T-10 photos were published) This site DOES NOT post photos just to post them, or just to show them. There is always a reason behind the photos. I am quite insulted that you would even think or imply that I would post such photos as LODD incidents just to post them or just to show them. That's not what this site is about.

I review, consider, and hand edit and post every single photo that comes throught the EMTBravo email, which takes hours. Often I debate whether it's appropriate to post certain photos or not. Decisions include media coverage, etc etc....

The primary purpose of incident photos being posted is to show firefighter, EMS personel, and their apparatus working, not the incident itself. Most of the time, a photo of the fire itself is posted to give perspective to such.

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Should the EMTBravo Network should create a policy regarding posting images from LODDs as well as PIAAs/PDOAs involving apparatus/MOSes?  These images seem to really evoke strong emotions on the part of members; the images can be painful to friends and coworkers if stumbled upon.  Comments?

If you're talking about the link to the image I posted with the Riverhead story, that is an image that is #1 is commonly available on ALL of the media websites and TV and newspapers. The main reason that link was placed in the story I posted was it's hard to put an incident like that into perspective without it......the damage to the ambulance and the incident is just further evidence of how ambulance safety and construction standards needs to be greatly improved. Ambulance design, safety, and construction is a HUGE issue....this is not the first incident of this type, but I hope it will be one of the last. This image clearly shows the need for better crashworthy ambulances. These collegues that lost their lives today.....maybe the incident they were invloved in will get people to think more carefully next time before they turn on the lights, to look at how the ambulance is built before purchase, to lobby Congress to enforce better ambulance safety standards, to add safety features, etc etc. Ambulance safety, design, and construction is almost completly ignored over fashion and bells and whistels. That's what I wanted people to think of in that photo link, not the gore....

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I really think that the asking to see the pictures and talking about them after, is one of the reasons that we get a lack of respect. Also The Transcare Pictures, the Middle has a crashed ambulance in the back, how many people asked how/what happened? [-X

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I agree, as long as everybody is ok. Sorry the emoticon was ment to say thats a no no. I have been in Three Emergency Vehicle accidents in my 14 years two of three I was wearing my seatbelt. Walked away from all three [-o<

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I review, consider, and hand edit and post every single photo that comes throught the EMTBravo email, which takes hours.

In some cases, over a month.Why aren't the LA County Pix up??

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In some cases, over a month.Why aren't the LA County Pix up??

One thing I've noticed about "Mr. Bravo" is he is a very busy man. It may take a little while to get picts up, but most of the time, it's well worth the wait.

(Nothing like a little brown-nosing!)

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One thing I've noticed about "Mr. Bravo"  is he is a very busy man. It may take a little while to get picts up, but most of the time, it's well worth the wait.

(Nothing like a little brown-nosing!)

Seth better not stop short, there will be a confined space rescue to save 648. But who to perform the rescue? FD or GI Doctor? :twisted:

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One thing I've noticed about "Mr. Bravo"  is he is a very busy man. It may take a little while to get picts up, but most of the time, it's well worth the wait.

(Nothing like a little brown-nosing!)

Seth better not stop short, there will be a confined space rescue to save 648. But who to preform the rescue? FD or GI Doctor? :twisted:

I think you took that a little to literal, buddy!

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If we cant do it, why should the media have permission to do it. They certainly dont need the glory.If someone says they are wrong, then they claim there 1st amendant rights are being violated. [-( [-( [-( [-(

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To imply that I implied that you lacked sensitivity?.......try a little Prozac in your Wheaties tomorrow morning, carebear. I never said or implied you WOULD do so, I just felt and stated as such that I felt the board needed a clearly defined policy about such things, not only to discourage/prevent posts but to present a united front to any from the outside (and some from within!) that we do not and would never encourage such posts.

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I review, consider, and hand edit and post every single photo that comes throught the EMTBravo email, which takes hours.

In some cases, over a month.Why aren't the LA County Pix up??

As I emailed you, they were too small to display on the site. I will be posting new/revised photo submission guidleines on the site to clear things up.

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I review, consider, and hand edit and post every single photo that comes throught the EMTBravo email, which takes hours.

In some cases, over a month.Why aren't the LA County Pix up??

As I emailed you, they were too small to display on the site. I will be posting new/revised photo submission guidleines on the site to clear things up.

Boy I would think a dispatcher shouldn't have to be told things twice. When the first is in writing, well you must not be a very good dispatcher

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I have not heard from 648 lately. Did I miss a confined space rescue in the Incident Alerts?

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