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Waterbury, CT - 2nd Alarm Structure Fire w/ Collapse - 4/7/12

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Date: 4/7/2012

Time: Approx 1800 hrs

Location: Nova Dye & Print Corporation on Mill and East Liberty Streets

Units Operating: Waterbury FD, Watertown FD (ladder), Prospect FD (engine, rescue and ladder), American Red Cross

Units on Standby:

Watertown FD: Engine 1 and Ladder 2 (not sure which station they're covering and Ladder 2 was sent to the scene)

Middlebury FD: Engine 1 to cover station at Engine 11

Wolcott FD: Engine Co. 3 and Ladder covering station 2

Naugatuck FD: Engine and Ladder

Cheshire FD: Engine and Tower Ladder

Beacon Falls FD: covering Naugatuck


Description Of Incident: 2 alarm fire in an old mill factory. Numerous LSO's. Fire is in the area of Exit 24 on I-84. Smoke can be seen from 10+ miles away. The roof has collapsed and all truck companies are working. The fire sparked several brush fires in neighboring communities and a possible house fire nearby on Baldwin St.

2000 hrs - Time on scene 2 hours. NBC Connecticut Weather radar picked up a rain echo from the amount of water being used on this fire.

2120 hours - 3 hours on scene

2220 hours - time on scene 4 hours. There's still active fire in all windows. Crews are still working.

2400 hours - time on scene 6 hours. Crews are still working and having issues reaching the center of the building. There's still a lot of heavy fire and it's still going strong.

Links to developing story: http://www.nbcconnec...-146546945.html (Story about the smoke and water showing up on the weather radar)

Links to some photos and video: http://www.rightnow....3834719596.html

http://onscenefireph...0712/index.html (fantastic photos)

Reporter: peterose313

Any further info please pm me.

Edited by peterose313
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