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Family wants CNPD officers charged in Lembhard Shooting

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It's amazing the lengths this family is going in this case. The lawyer is even more amazing though, I really wonder if he's coming up with what he's saying or having some pre-law freshman write his press releases for him. "the officers could have served the warrants the next day but created danger when they rushed inside (the apartment)", Really? what are they doing, playing tag, "Home Base!, you can't get me, na nana nana na". Also, he was on PCP at the time of the shooting, but he'd taken it before, so it was hard to tell if the level of PCP in his system was significant? So PCPs like alcohol now? You just need to be able to handle your PCP and you're good? And then to say it doesn't matter if he was on PCP, it just matters if he acted aggressively? Well, I'd say lunging at police officers with a knife is acting aggressively, but, that's just me. Hopefully the Grand Jury finds the shooting justified next week, and these 4 officers can go on with their lives, at least until the civil suit we all know is coming gets filed.

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I know I will probably get in trouble for what I am going to say, but...............Michael Sussman is a GIANT BAG OF CRAP!!!! He LOVES to side with LOW LIFE, SCUM OF THE EARTH CRIMINALS. He makes them out to be innocent (no matter how long their rap sheets are, how much time they have done in prison/jail or how many felonies they have). According to him, these "INNOCENT VICTIMS" do not ever deserve the way that they were treated by the police. He thinks that every single police officer is dirty/corrupt/prejudice/racist/above the law/is out to violate everybody's civil rights etc. If the police officer is white, Sussman thinks that he is out to get ALL black people. if the police officer is black, even if he grew up in the same city where he works as a cop, Sussman thinks that he is out to prove something or that he hated the community that he grew up in because it was bad and that he is getting payback for something. If the police officer is hispanic, Sussman thinks that he hates other hispanics that are not from the same country that he is from.

Sussman thinks that the police officers should never use deadly physical force to protect themselves or innocent civilians. He will always question their actions, no matter what they do or how they react in a situation. This is just typical of how this guy operates. Liberal, bleeding heart etc etc etc.

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