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Good Cameras

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I was looking to buy a new camera maybe digital for under $400

I was Just looking for some input as to any good ones anyone has seen :roll:

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I just bought a camera. I was looking to spend about $450 and when i went to the store i found a good deal on a open box that was also last years model. When the model came out last year it was about $1000 and the tag on the open box at the store was $575 and i got him to drop it to $500 flat because i was buying memory card and other camera stuff. The point of me saying this is to keep ur eyes out for open box deals (make sure it has warranty, just in case) i mean getting an 8 meg camera for $500 is a good deal in my book. My camera is a sony. some people hate sony and swear by canon it is ur choice but if u are only spending $400 u get more for ur dollar in sony then u would with canon. It is when u get into spending $1000+ that canons are better beacue u have so many things u can add on and upgrade.

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My first digital camera, which was out-dated anyway, met with an unfortunate demise in Red Rock Canyon outside of Vegas. (Note: Don't drop your camera off a rock ledge.)

So I recently purchased an HP R507 Digital Camera. It's 4.1 Megapixels, 21x total zoom w/ digital zoom feature. Overall it has some great features and comes with some good software (I like the panorama maker feature.)

I bought this at Costco. With a docking station, 2 rechargeable batteries and 32MB internal memory (also has an SD flash slot) it was $200.

So far I have not been disappointed.

Hope that helps...

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Both places have good deals on cameras, and is always good for tech reviews and price comparision. You can always hunt ebay. I've seen 7.1 MP Sony's for around $400, so you have a lot of options. If you can live with ~3.2 MP (the camera that my father and I have used is 3.2 MP and we get pretty decent prinouts, but that also requires a decent printer) then you can definately get a decent camera for about $200. I'd stay away from no-names. Sony, Cannon, Konica, HP, Kodak, etc. I'd also check the reviews of the camera before on cnet before I buy anything, or you can always post what you're looking at here; I'm sure you'd get feedback.

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I picked up a Fuji Fine Pix A210 last year at PC Richards for a little more than $200. It's probably obsolete by now. It's a little bulky but it is rugged and takes some very good pictures. My brother and sister both liked it and went out and got one of their own.

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