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Bumbleance -Ireland's Children Inspired Ambulance

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Came across this in Irish news. A private company has built an ambulance designed to distract children from their injuries or medical condition and provide a calming effect while en-route to the hospital. Based off customer portrayals it seems to be more of an ambulette service then a priority EMS unit. It helps transport those from far out counties into the medical establishments of Dublin for long term treatments for diseases and conditions.

An interesting concept and a great way to assist families with special needs.

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Seeing some of the signage, I wonder if some of the white surfaces could be made in other colors too. Although it does seem that it is mostly just an ambulance with entertainment features, anything that makes the kids more comfortable is a great idea. Oxygen bears and ice packs shaped like penguins and turtles are a good start but about all we get here.

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Interesting concept, but a very purpose build vehicles. It really steps things up from stuffed animals that most rigs have in their peds bag.

I wonder if they can install a Federal Rumbler altered to sound like a swarm of bees!

I drove a rig for a children's hospital for years. I spend hours sitting around at the transferring hospitals while the staff was stabilizing the patient for transport. I would have put the TV and video games to use!

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I would agree it would be a while before we see this in a public arena in our area but possibly more feasible for a private transport company. I could see this pop up in the states for interstate transport type situations or to transport children long distances to see their doctor.

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I have been in contact with a gentlemen from bumbleance who informed me there will be one in NYC within the next few months! They are trying to make a push into the US and are starting with New York. I will provide more information as it becomes available.

E106MKFD, jps385 and pcfpr1 like this

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