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Purchasing A Scanner

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I am possibly in the market for a new scanner and would like some advice. I would like to purchase something in anticipation of the county radio system being put into effect. Will I only need trunked or digital also? Any possibility we will need digital down the road for FDNY? It needs to be mobile so I can listen in my car and I would like it to be as low profile as possible, so the cops dont see I have noticed that the TrunkTracker is on sale at Radio Shack for $200, down from $260. I have also seen some used scanners on ebay. The scanner I have now is that popular bearcat that everybody has, but I have strong interference from my car and I was literally unable to pickup anything but static. Anybody know anything about this type of problem? Any thoughts or recommendations will be greatly appreciated...Thanks all


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I don't see FDNY going digital anytime soon. Also, I'm hearing the County's new system will be analog trunked,not digital, but you never know with them.

For your current scanner, try putting an inline filter before your antenna connection and see if this helps. also try repositioning your scanner in your vehicle, and trying a diffent antenna position or completly different antenna.

The best scanner I can reccomend is:

it does digital AND trunking, so you have the best of both worlds.

A less expensive basic scanner that should probaly fit your needs:

And a portable scanner, which is easiest to transport and does digital and trunking:

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Ill check it out. I currently have my old handheld clipped to the sun visor. It is the only place in the front of the car with no interference. I purchased a glass mount antenna and that boosted the signal fairly well. I will check out the scanners you recommended. Thanks....


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