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NYC Mayor de Blasio Orders Last Confederate Flag Removed From City Office Building

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New York City mayor Bill deBlasio ordered city workers to remove the last remaining Confederate Battle flag flying from a city office. The flag which has flown there for over 100 years was removed and placed in a brown paper bag for safekeeping.

The mayor has also mulled prohibiting sweet tea and BBQ in restaurants….Curtailing any public showing in theaters and on TV of the popular movie classic ‘Gone With The Wind.’ Public Utilities director Abraham Schwartz also proposed removing all signs on city highways that say ‘south’ in a effort to eliminate all racial references.

The controversial mayor also ordered the city police department head Bill Bratton to hire more black police officers even though their background checks show a high percentage of drug use and criminal convictions. The mayor defended his actions by saying, “Who better to have on the street beats than cops familiar with drug sales and criminal enterprises.”

Critics say Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has a long way to go to comply with Mayor de Blasio’s demands that the number of black cops in the NYPD reflects the city’s overall racial makeup.
The two Police Academy graduating classes since Bratton took office in January 2014 were just .5 percent African-American…far below the 16 percent figure for black cops currently on the force.

De Blasio on Monday announced that 1,300 more cops would be hired after months of insisting there would be no cash for more officers in this year’s city budget.

The New York Times is also reporting that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio had a tattoo of a Confederate flag and the motto “the south shall rise again” removed from a delicate part of his lower anatomy.

See full article here

Edited by fireboyny
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