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Multiple Serious Calls in Brewster

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400 Starr Ridge Road - 2 individuals unconsious and unresponsive with CPR in progress on both. PCSO asking EMS to step it up. 11-7-1, 31-7-1, and Medic 3 handling

Any idea what happened here? CO call in summer? Murder/Suicide? I always wonder when there are multiple codes in a single location.

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which 45Medic went? Also, does WEMS put another car in service to cover?

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Nope, they just relocate the current medics, unless their is a supervisor on the road, then the supervisor will move up to take calls.

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45M3 responded. In this case since all 3 Medics were out on jobs, a supervisor went in service to cover as 4513. Also, when WEMS has an ALS transport bus available, it would go in service as 45M4 until one of the other medics went 10-8.

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Sad day in Putnam, 2 dead, 1 stroke victim, 1 four year old with serious head injury. Good job by all EMS, PCSO,NYSP, Medics and Putnam Hospital staff.

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2 found unconscious at Ryder Farm die



SOUTHEAST — A woman working as a summer intern at a local farm and a male friend were pronounced dead yesterday after one of the owners of Ryder Farm found them unconscious in the man's Buick.

"It appears as though they succumbed to carbon monoxide fumes," said Betsey Ryder. "It's just a terrible tragedy."

Ryder said the intern, a 24-year-old woman from Los Angeles who was staying on the farm, failed to report for work at 7 a.m. She said she saw the car parked near one of the barns later on but didn't go outside until almost 10:30 a.m.

"I had my own business to take care of, phone calls, paperwork," she said, gesturing toward her home. "I didn't know anybody was in the car."

Ryder, an emergency-room nurse, and the first sheriff's deputies on the scene, David Rampola and Vincent Dalo, tried to revive them, but the two were pronounced dead at Putnam Hospital Center, county Sheriff Donald B. Smith said.

Ryder said she had seen the two socializing and drinking beer Monday night, and later it appeared they had moved into the car to get warm. The 1992 Buick LeSabre, which she said had a bad muffler, was running with the heater on when she found them.

The windows were rolled up, Smith said, adding that alcohol may have played a role in the incident.

"Right now, we're not ruling anything out," the sheriff said.

Motor vehicle exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas.

Inhaling a large amount can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, general disorientation and death.

Authorities said the car was registered to the 28-year-old man in the driver's seat, Keith A. McCartha. The woman, whose identity police were withholding pending notification of her family, was in the front passenger seat. Autopsies were to be performed.

Ryder said McCartha was a longtime family friend who lived in Bethel, Conn., and ran his own shed business, Backyard Solutions, in Ridgefield, Conn.

"He was like a son to my husband," Ryder said.

No one answered the door yesterday at the studio McCartha rented, and his landlord declined to comment. No one could be reached at his family's home in Lafargeville, N.Y., which is near where the St. Lawrence River flows out of Lake Ontario.

The 130-acre Southeast farm was founded in 1795 and is an organic operation producing vegetables, herbs and flowers. The farm has been using interns during the growing season for 26 years, Ryder said.

The woman in the car — one of two interns this year — started work at the farm two weeks ago. Yesterday, she was to help harvest some of the farm's spring vegetables, including lettuce, bok choy, kale and collard greens. She lived in a trailer on the farm.

"She was really vivacious," Ryder said. "As she performed her duties, she did them adequately and with delight."

Ryder said interns, who receive a stipend of about $150 a week, are found through postings on agricultural Web sites. The farm posted a "help wanted" advertisement in February on the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service's Web site, seeking three interns. Applicants were told to have a "love of the outdoors, willingness to work in the rain and blazing sun as well as an enthusiasm for work and occasional long hours."

Police said they also were called to the farm Sunday, when they arrested a man in connection with a rape allegation there.

"We have made an arrest in connection with an alleged rape not related in circumstances to (Tuesday's) incident," said Capt. William McNamara of the sheriff's department. He declined to release any specifics on the matter.

Yesterday, the dirt driveway leading into the farm on Starr Ridge Road was cordoned off by yellow crime-scene tape. Two ambulances sat at the foot of the driveway. About 1:30 p.m., a tow truck took the Buick away.

"The big message in all of this is to not sit in a running car because tragedies do happen that way," Ryder said.

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Any word on the stroke victim and the child??

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Sad day in Putnam, 2 dead, 1 stroke victim, 1 four year old with serious head injury. Good job by all EMS, PCSO,NYSP, Medics and Putnam Hospital staff.

I forgot a very important piece in the puzzle. " The Putnam 911 Dispatchers". It was pointed out by a good friend and I do apologize for the mistake.


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Speaking as one of the two dispatchers in the room that (very draining) morning, thanks for the most recent post.


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