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Guest WolfEMT

Recent Negativity On This Forum...

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Why is it that a majority of the posts on this website in recent weeks have either focused on the negative (what jr's can and can't do; what firefighters have done in public that have given the service a black eye; etc.) or have become a giant fight between members who have differing opinions? One of the reasons why I joined this site was to further my understanding of the dynamics of fire fighting and EMS, not to constantly read about how this one has to be a fool because he is of a different opinion or about how this one lacks skill and ability because he is different. Why are we always disecting everyone else's thoughts? Take a look at the US Supreme Court, for instance; there are countless instances when the Court is split in decision on a particular topic. Do you see the Justices who believe in the majority opinion ridiculing the Justices who believe in the minority opinion and vice-versa? No, you don't. They argue perceptions and fact. And that is what we should do here.

And finally, as far as the opinions here go, just agree to disagree! Stop with the incessant name calling and grow up! We're fire fighters, EMTs, Paramedics, and cops here, and we're supposed to set an example. **** has a different opinion than ****, and **** has a different opinion than ****; that's no reason to get into a heated argument. All you need to discuss here are the facts, and when someone disagrees with you, respect their opinion.

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To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.

I see no problem with heated discussions, as long as they are done respectfully and constructively.

Also, when someone puts forth a fact that is not correct or not factual, then again as long as it's done respectfully and politely I see no issue with correcting that person.

Although I understand your point, and agree for the most part, I really don't think it is as bad on this forum as you are portraying it to be. We have tons of great and intelligent members, and unfortunetly some bad apples in the bunch that pop up every now and then and just need time to be dealt with properly. Yes, there has been several instances lately as far as entire threads go, but it's being worked on and dealing with it is a time consuming and difficult thing to do. But keep in mind, THIS FORUM WILL NOT BECOME A B*TCH AND BASH BOARD! PERIOD!!! And there are steps being taken right now to ensure that, and more will be taken over the next week to "crack down" and bring this board back to an even more positive place. To note, the Junior Forum was temporarily and possibly permenately removed, because it seems all that forum was was conterversy and arguments over the same things over and over again.

To say something positive about this board....I've learned a lot from members of this forum, and from the members different opinions and discussions on things. It has opened up my eyes to different viewpoints.

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I too have grown tired of this incessant bickering over opinions. So here are some more quotes from others who've pondered what opinions are...

It is not often that an opinion is worth expressing, which cannot take care of itself.- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Truth is one forever absolute, but opinion is truth filtered through the moods, the blood, the disposition of the spectator.- Wendell Phillips

There are as many opinions as there are experts.- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

But most important is:

Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. - Bernard M. Baruch

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Sometimes one needs to be put in their place, and I don't care for it much either, but I don't back down on challenges or incorrect information or knowledge.

I also like to share and learn. Post some things that form positive conversation and thou shalt share.

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I plead guilty to some negativism recently. I however believe some of my negative comments were made with the explicit belief that a positive may be found. In a previous post I assured the moderator that I would use better etiquette in future and I plan to adhere to that promise.

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Why is it that a majority of the posts on this website in recent weeks have either focused on the negative (what jr's can and can't do; what firefighters have done in public that have given the service a black eye; etc.) or have become a giant fight between members who have differing opinions? One of the reasons why I joined this site was to further my understanding of the dynamics of fire fighting and EMS, not to constantly read about how this one has to be a fool because he is of a different opinion or about how this one lacks skill and ability because he is different. Why are we always disecting everyone else's thoughts? Take a look at the US Supreme Court, for instance; there are countless instances when the Court is split in decision on a particular topic. Do you see the Justices who believe in the majority opinion ridiculing the Justices who believe in the minority opinion and vice-versa? No, you don't. They argue perceptions and fact. And that is what we should do here. 

And finally, as far as the opinions here go, just agree to disagree! Stop with the incessant name calling and grow up! We're fire fighters, EMTs, Paramedics, and cops here, and we're supposed to set an example. **** has a different opinion than ****, and **** has a different opinion than ****; that's no reason to get into a heated argument. All you need to discuss here are the facts, and when someone disagrees with you, respect their opinion.

=D> Well said. Nothing else needs to be said.

A different opinion is not being negative. A Good debate is healthy. :D

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I aggree with x635 and that so long as everything is done tastefully/respectfully, then so be it. Sometimes when a person disagrees with your position it may 'sting' alil bit but its the best way to get a grip on any one topic. Understanding your opponent is key to strenqthening your own argument. I don't know one place in my life where I go to hear everyone aggree with me to make me feel better. I LOVE A GOOD ARGUMENT...LOL Stay Safe one and ALL


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It is not often that an opinion is worth expressing, which cannot take care of itself.- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Says it for me . . . I hate to see the whole forum disappear, I believe I read several positive posts. Plus, where juniors are concerned, it is nice to read about what other departments are doing as far as training etc. Juniors are the future of firefighting, EMS, and law enforcement; they could use a little support.

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