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Great Trning Opp-3rd Annual Norfolk Fire Training Institute

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Looks like an awesome event.

Great instructors, great classes, great hands on experience.

The National Fire Rescue Training Group  

Presents the

3rd Annual Norfolk Fire Training Institute

Sponsored by the Norfolk Fire-Rescue Department, Norfolk, Va.  

April 2nd, 3rd & 4th

Go to for mor info

Featuring 2 days of Hands-On Training with the best instructors in the fire service.

Hands-On Training Programs  

April 3rd & 4th

Class 101 Advanced Forcible Entry  

Capt. Robert Morris, Rescue-1 FDNY

Using several vacant structures, Captain Morris and his elite crew first teaches, then demonstrates, and finally allows students to utilize the basics of forcible entry. Through the lock methods and hydraulic power tools are used to gain access for fire department operations. The fine art of forcible entry, tips, techniques and the proper safety procedures are explained and tested with real doors and heavy locks.  

Full Turnout gear (NFPA P.P.E.) eye protection

Class 102 Engine & Truck Company Operations (Live smoke)

Captain Mike Dugan, FDNY

Students will spend the morning learning and reviewing Engine Company operations while another group of students are learning and reviewing Truck Company operations. They will need to work together and understand the importance of each other’s functions. In the afternoon they will switch to the other class. Students will learn proper hose line stretches, tactical placement and attack. During the truck company section students will learn the tactics of outside venting, roof venting and primary searches. All training operations are conducted in vacant buildings with live smoke.

A special section has been added “First Due Company Officer”. Company officers will work with Capt. Dugan to learn proper size-up techniques and initial operations. Full Turnout gear (NFPA P.P.E.) SCBA & spare bottle

Class 103 Firefighter Survival “Get Out Alive” Training

BC John Salka Battalion 18 FDNY

Fireground survival begins with being able to rapidly recognize dangerous situations and quickly act to escape changing and hostile fire conditions. Join FDNY Battalion Chief John Salka and his seasoned team of instructors as they guide you step-by-step through personal survival tactics such as wall breaching, window rope slide, and ladder bail and room orientation. These tactics, developed and refined by Chief Salka in his “Get Out Alive” program, have been used successfully by firefighters throughout the country and have become the “Benchmark” for firefighter survival programs. This intensive fire ground survival training is a must for every interior structural firefighter.

Full Turnout gear (NFPA P.P.E.) SCBA spare bottle

Class 104 Managing the Mayday/Searching & Rescuing Trapped Firefighters

DC Mike Smith, Director of Training DC Fire Department

BC Robert “Butch” Cobb, Battalion 2 Jersey City FD

This is the “complete course” for Rapid Intervention Crews and the Officers that manage the search and rescue of a trapped, lost or disoriented firefighter. Part 1. The class begins with an overview of what to do when the mayday comes over the radio. Chief Smith then shows how to organize and manage the search, covering search crew accountability, air management. Chief Cobb has a unique and simple system that will show how to get the search crews in and get them out before they run out of air. Part II covers the basic drags & carries that are needed after the downed firefighter is located. Students will participate in several realistic “Mayday” scenarios inside vacant buildings. Full Turnout gear (NFPA PPE) SCBA, spare bottle  

Class 105 Live Burn/Search Training

With a special section on tactics using Thermal Imaging Cameras.

Battalion Chief Rich Blatus, FDNY

This intense, eight-hour program begins with one-hour power point presentation outlining Engine/Truck team operations, various R.I.T./F.A.S.T. Removal Procedures and SCBA escape techniques. Following the review, the class will focus on two challenging Hands On training sessions to permit the student to implement the techniques. The first session, a live burn, will challenge the tenacity of the team as they maneuver though a burning building. Team/victim search strategies, emergency egress, the search for fire and forcible entry concepts will be utilized. The second, a search exercise, will force you be both innovative and focused as you try to escape. Can you make it out? This is intense training for serious firefighters. Don't miss out. Class size is limited. Full Turnout gear (NFPA PPE), SCBA, spare bottle  

National Fire Rescue Training Group

3rd Annual Norfolk Fire Training Institute

Seminar schedule April 2nd

Mike Smith, Deputy Fire Chief, Training Director, District of Columbia Fire and Rescue

Size Up, Apparatus Placement and Critical Fireground Communications

This lecture discusses the critical importance of accurate size up, the ability to read smoke conditions, understanding building construction and fire behavior and the relationship between the two and correct apparatus placement. Chief Smith details the importance of clear and concise Fireground radio transmissions with out “talking the fire out”. Do we all speak the same language on the Fireground and do others know what we are saying.  

John Salka, Battalion Chief, FDNY

Engine Company Operations  

The first due Engine Company sets the tone for the entire job…”The fire goes as the first line goes”. Size up, apparatus placement, stretching the first attack line, water supply and establishing command Chief Salka gives it to you in a straight forward no nonsense format that takes the mystery out of “First Due” whether you’re a acting officer, newly promoted Lieutenant or a seasoned Captain to lecture covers the critical tasks of the first due engine company. This class will reinforce the need for occupancy specific SOP’s and the value of the well trained engine company.

Truck Company Operation, with or without a Truck Company

Captain Mike Dugan, FDNY, Ladder Company 123

Whether your department runs a dedicated truck company or not you still need to accomplish the truck company tasks. The truck company will be responsible for VES. That is ventilation, entry and search and these tasks must be accomplisher at every fire. No matter what your manning and riding positions are someone has to force entry, ventilate the fire building and search for the fire and victims of fire. This should be done as safely and quickly as possible. This class will discuss the duties of the truck company or company covering that function and how to set up SOP's to cover all of these duties. All students will learn the importance of a set of SOP's to cover the duties of the truck company within the structure of their individual fire department.


Rich Blatus Battalion Chief FDNY

The Battalion Chiefs Role at Structure Fires

Command and Control, not just IMS buzz words. This lecture will aid the newly appointed chief officer and strengthen the veteran chief. The chiefs’ size up is discussed; the importance of the progress report is defined and the management of the MAYDAY will be discussed.  

Participating Sponsors:

Advanced Lighting  

Fire Innovations

Grace Industries

Total Fire

Radio Tech

Firehouse Magzazine

Norfolk Pricing

1 day hands-on $185 before Feb. 21st after $195

2 days hands-on $350 before Feb. 21st after $375

Seminar only $100

3 day package

2 days hands-on

Plus seminar $399 before Feb. 21st after $425

$50 rebate for members of F.O.O.L.S

Join before registering!!

*All programs subject to change

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