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Rockland Radio System

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From the Journal News today

County project on the line



(Original publication: July 11, 2005)

The Federal Communications Commission will decide if the county should get permanent ownership of 10 radio frequencies needed to launch the countywide project.

Rockland does not have a coordinated radio communications system, and officials say many departments are using antiquated equipment. The county paid $5,000 for the frequencies it needs for such a system at a 1998 auction but has yet to use them.

The FCC took back the frequencies — along with thousands of others nationwide — last year. Rockland officials successfully fought to keep them temporarily.

The FCC denied the county's petition to regain the frequencies last month but referred county officials to the Association of Public -Safety Communications Officials. APCO handles radio band applications for the FCC.

Pablo A. Ramos, director of Rockland's enhanced 911 system, said he is optimistic that APCO will ask the FCC to rule in Rockland's favor. Ramos and three other county officials drove to FCC headquarters in Gettysburg, Pa., last week to plead their case.

"We wanted to show them we're committed to the project, that within the next few months, we'll move forward and build this system," he said.

The county approved $4 million in 2003 to start planning the system.

If Rockland loses the frequencies, the county would have to wait five to 10 years to finish the project until the FCC puts more radio frequencies on the market, Ramos said.

County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef has asked Rockland's Congressional delegation to fight for the frequencies, according to his spokeswoman, C.J. Miller.

U.S. Rep. Nita Lowey, D-Harrison, wrote a letter urging FCC Chairman Michael Powell to return Rockland's frequencies. Lowey represents northern Clarkstown and the villages of Haverstraw and West Haverstraw.

The project would replace equipment and buy new portable and mobile radios for every police, fire and ambulance station in Rockland.

Pearl River Fire Chief Bill Harris Jr. said the project would help financially strapped fire districts get the equipment they need and help all emergency responders handle a growing number of calls.

"The fire and police frequencies are getting busier all the time," he said. "Unfortunately, when things get put on the back burner, the costs escalate."

At emergency scenes now, firefighters must communicate with dispatchers, who then deliver the messages to police and medical crews.

Some of Rockland's all-volunteer fire departments use low-band dispatch equipment that is at least 50 years old.

The new, digital equipment would allow all emergency personnel to communicate instantly at long distances. The equipment would be similar to Nextel's two-way radios, and there would be special features specifically for public safety use.

Alan B. Colsey, the retired police chief of the South Nyack-Grand View Police Department, has said the county should be ready with contracts for firms to provide the equipment and build the system by early 2006. He said the county should be ready to test the system by mid-2007.

Colsey, as a member of the Rockland Police Chiefs Association, has been leading the effort for a countywide communications system for more than five years.

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I know this post was made a lil while ago (like 2 weeks ago) but for anyone interested News12 has been running a story all afternoon on News12 Hudson Valley's Evening Edition (which from what I can tell is the same as News12 Westchester's Evening Edition) - I assume it'll also be on the night edition.

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