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kisco car fires?

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Anyone know anything more about this?

(07/11/05) MOUNT KISCO - At least eight cars were burned or vandalized at three separate Mount Kisco locations early Monday morning.

The vandals though quick in their demolition were not quiet and woke up some neighbors who in turn alerted the police. When police arrived at the first scene, Tara Close Cooperative Apartments, around 4 a.m. they found two cars still burning.

At 6 a.m., authorities ran to Barker Gardens Complex, on Barker Street, just a few blocks away, to find two more cars had been mutilated. Police then received another phone call shortly after 7 a.m. informing them four cars were on fire at the Bedford Plaza building also on Barker Street.

If the vandal or vandals are caught, each will face up to seven years in prison.

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