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Lost in Mt. Vernon

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I just wanted to share an experience that I had earlier today in Mount Vernon.

I was lost and looking for a street I could not find. As I was driving down Fulton St. I noticed a firehouse. I then decided to stop in and ask for directions.

As I pulled in I noticed that it was the quarters of Rescue 1 and an Engine Co.

(Both trucks were inside there respected bays). I then knocked on the door and got no response, I then rang a door bell and again got no response. I then knocked on the door alittle bit harder and got no response. I then continued to lean on the door bell, and got no response. Finally after waiting a few moments, I said the hell with this and left. I was kind of disappointed to see a firehouse and nobody there to answer the door. Made me think, thank god I was not there to report an emergency.

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