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Any wrestling fans here?

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Just wondering if anyone on here watches WWE wrestling, whether regularly or occasionally. If anyone does, what are your thoughts on the tragic and untimely passing of Eddie Guerrero, and the outstanding tribute edition of "Raw" done in his honor.

Rest in peace, Eddie. :blink:

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I know he had a terrible drug and alcohol issue in the past, and was clean (by contractual drug testing) for the last 4 years...... what a shame

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It's a shame. But, yet another wrestler dying way too young.

Do we really need to go down the list?? I can think of ten off the top of my head who have died long before their time. Kinda makes you really respect guys like Ric Flair who have hung in for as long as they have.

RIP Eddie, thank you for the memories.

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It's a shame. But, yet another wrestler dying way too young.

Do we really need to go down the list?? I can think of ten off the top of my head who have died long before their time. Kinda makes you really respect guys like Ric Flair who have hung in for as long as they have.

RIP Eddie, thank you for the memories.

I couldn't of said it better myself. It is a real shame that he is gone, and for those of you who think that wrestling is fake well you are right, but the tears that I saw tonight on Monday night raw were not fake. All most every single person in that arena was crying there eyes out. These people sometimes put there lives on the line with some of the stuff that they do. Just to entertain us. SO thank you Eddie for all that great memories. Via va Larasa.

Eddie Guerrero



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It is a damn shame........alot of talented, relatively young wrestlers have been taken away. Latino Heat have to admit, him hitting a dude in the head with a chair, then falling down like he didn't do it was PRICELESS....I laugh my a** off everytime I see that! We'll miss you on Monday &/or Thursday night!

Lie, Cheat and Steal Eddie!

RIP were a great talent


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Eddie's wife gave a statement to this afternoon. Cause of death was heart failure, with the damage being attributed to his past issues with drugs and alcohol.

Yes, it truly is sad how many guys are dying so young, so soon. With all the drugs and painkillers and what not that these guys are getting hooked on, even with the cushy work schedule they have, it really makes me wonder how today's wrestlers would have survived back in the 80's, when both major organizations were running 5-6 nights a week, with double-shots on the weekends (afternoon and evening shows). Granted, the matches weren't nearly as "extreme" back then, but there were that many more of them, and that much more travel, etc.

And yes, I agree truly is remarkable that 56 year old Ric Flair is still going out there and showing up guys half his age. He is "The Man".

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I dunno about cushy work schedule. Most of the year is spent travelling, very little time at home. Then factor in all the other stuff...

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By "cushy" I meant that, for the most part, they're only working weekends and TV nights anymore, with the exception of the overseas tours. Regular arena shows during the week are getting fewer and farther between. Not non-existant yet, but not nearly as many as there used to be. And, TV is done more three weeks' worth at a time which could conceivably see a guy having five matches in the same night.

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