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Last ride for Buchanans old U12 (the red flyer)

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As you all may know, this past January, we (Buchanan), placed into service our new Utility-12 (2003 E-One) Cascade/light support Unit. This rig replaced out 1955 Chevrolet Cascade/Utility unit. This rig originally served as a pumper for the BFD, and later re-furbished into a cascade unit. Tomorrow, Sunday March 28, will be the last ride for "the red-flyer." The rig will be driven by BFD members, along w/our bus and members, to Hudson, New York, where it will rest at the NYS Fireman's Museum. Our members will bid a fine farewell to the rig and join the residents of the NYS Firemans home for a nice dinner. This rig will surely be missed by all members of the Buchanan Engine Company. It served us well for the long period of time that it was in-service. The rig had some proud, memerable moments, including responding to the tanker explosion in White Plains, as well as responding to NYC to assist the FDNY after the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks. I will hopefully have pictures of the 1955 & 2003 to share with all of you in the near future.

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