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From: FF's accused of causing Sleepy Hollow explosion

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First off... let's wait and see the outcome of this trial before making judgements.

Innocent until proven guilty!

Secondly... what are we learning from this incident. It's not enough to say "thank god, it's not me"...or..."thank god, it's not my department."

1) Do all your dept. members know OSHA guidelines in handling the stuff at the firehouse, or do we just take safety precautions out in the field.

2) If anything likes this happens, i.e. member arrested, what is the plan. Do we just put our hands in our pockets and wait for Village officials to handle the mess or do we take a proactive approach.

3) After such an incident, what do you to gain the the trust of the community?..the Village officials?...and how do you fix Media image?

And finally...Over the past months, it is my opinion, local news sources have shown a blatant disrespect to the volunteer services. If it is a positive story, it will mention So and So FD, disregarding the fact that the dept. is volunteer. However if the story is negative, the word volunteer is constantly brought up. Volunteer Depts. need to start to work with these people or we will always be known for only the negative incidents.

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Let us all not jump to a conclusion here. I personally would like to know how all this let up to two people being badly burned. Sleepy Hollow has a good volunteer fire dept, I dont think it is a good idea to slam the dept and its members. My advice to the members of this forum is this Watch your posts about this subject, you have members here who are Sleepy Hollow firefighters who are getting offended by stupid remarks being made about these men. Remember these men are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Support you fellow firefighters, dont jump to a conclusion until you hear all the facts.

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First off, I am very disappointed to see how fast some people assume the guilt of our brother Firefighters. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

We all know that News 12 and the Journal News present all the facts and never fabricate the truth to make their stories sound better! (I hope you all sense my sarcasm…)


Get The Roof-

Although you are entitled to your opinions…GROW UP! You said; “Hell I'll say it in person to himâ€. That is some tough talk from a person sitting behind a computer. Why not relax, and give these guys the benefit of the doubt. Were you there? Do you know anything about these guys outside what you have read? OBVIOUSLY NOT!

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Get The Roof-

Although you are entitled to your opinions…GROW UP!  You said; “Hell I'll say it in person to himâ€.  That is some tough talk from a person sitting behind a computer.  Why not relax, and give these guys the benefit of the doubt.  Were you there?  Do you know anything about these guys outside what you have read?  OBVIOUSLY NOT!

Trust me, I'm full grown. As far as tough talk and sitting behind a computer, it was stated that no one would be making comments if one of the members were here to defend himself, I say BS. I call a spade a spade, whether anyone likes it or not. Do I know them? Absolutely not. As far as the member who is a mechanic or works for the Village, I too do not see this person pouring anything anywhere, knowing full well what could happen and knowing the proper disposal procedures. My biggest problem is everyone here seems to think no one can do no wrong when you have a patch on your shoulder or some brass on your collar. Like I stated before, nobody is perfect and nobody is above the law. Do I want to see harm done to any of these guys? Absolutely NOT!! I am sur they have families to care for, but when someone gets in a car drunk and slams into a tree, I draw a line. Tree's dont jump into the street. It could have been my child or someone elses and I don't condone it. We are talking about a Police Officer and a Fire Chief. He should have known better. I also think that this fire dept. shouldn't feel that they are getting the s--- end of the stick because of a certain few. Like I said, no one is perfect, but in the fire service, there is not much room for error.

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I have to agree with Firecapt. There are a lot of good people in that department. One or two people do not make any department. Homer, there is so much truth in what you say. First, unless you have that specific training and it's not FF1, keep quiet and second, unless you want to find yourself in a court of law to either testify in this case or to defent yourself as saying something negitive, SHUT UP. Remember that this is a public forum, on the internet and anyone can read this.

Whatever has already been said is done. There should be no discussion of an onging court case. Let the DA's office do their job. We have a very good person coming in that will pick up this case. Let her people do what they have to and when its all said and done, the verdict comes out, the appeals are complete then go ahead. I'm going to ask that the boards be watched as not to discuss this any more.

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Get The Roof-

Although you are entitled to your opinions…GROW UP!  You said; “Hell I'll say it in person to himâ€.  That is some tough talk from a person sitting behind a computer.  Why not relax, and give these guys the benefit of the doubt.  Were you there?  Do you know anything about these guys outside what you have read?  OBVIOUSLY NOT!

Trust me, I'm full grown. As far as tough talk and sitting behind a computer, it was stated that no one would be making comments if one of the members were here to defend himself, I say BS. I call a spade a spade, whether anyone likes it or not. Do I know them? Absolutely not. As far as the member who is a mechanic or works for the Village, I too do not see this person pouring anything anywhere, knowing full well what could happen and knowing the proper disposal procedures. My biggest problem is everyone here seems to think no one can do no wrong when you have a patch on your shoulder or some brass on your collar. Like I stated before, nobody is perfect and nobody is above the law. Do I want to see harm done to any of these guys? Absolutely NOT!! I am sure they have families to care for, but when someone gets in a car drunk and slams into a tree, I draw a line. Tree's dont jump into the street. It could have been my child or someone elses and I don't condone it. We are talking about a Police Officer and a Fire Chief. He should have known better. I also think that this fire dept. shouldn't feel that they are getting the s--- end of the stick because of a certain few. Like I said, no one is perfect, but in the fire service, there is not much room for error.

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