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Minitor IV Amp. Charger

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On the back of many of the Minitor II, III&IV amplified house chargers there is an accessory port with some sort of relay according to Motorola. They say you can use it to turn on and off many devices (lights, alerting systems, ect) when the pager is activated and off when its reset. Does anyone know how to set this up to do anything? Been trying to find out how on the internet to no avail. Would be a cool little help if I knew how to use it. Anyone out there who knows how to use it and can explain please do.



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I use this plug with an alerting system which is baisically a timer connected to fire alarm type storbe lights that flash for about 30 seconds after the pager is activated. the unit that plugs into the back of the amplified charger self resets after it completes its 30 seconds. the amont of time can be adjusted from 1 second to 1 hour. PM me if you need more information.

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I use this plug with an alerting system which is baisically a timer connected to fire alarm type storbe lights that flash for about 30 seconds after the pager is activated. the unit that plugs into the back of the amplified charger self resets after it completes its 30 seconds. the amont of time can be adjusted from 1 second to 1 hour. PM me if you need more information.

Got any pictures of what youre describing?

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I will try and get a picture up it will take a few days.

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