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Briarcliff's 10-75

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Jeez...By reading the IA you'd think BMFD couldn't get one of their own Chiefs to the scene. In reality 2053 (me :blink: ) was on the scene and called the 10-75 and called 1&1 from OFD w/Millwood FAST.

After that 2051 had command and 2052 was monitoring the resources, while 2053 directed interior attack.

However, thanks to 2331, 32, 34 and all our neighbors to the west and north for watching our backs.

The initial size-up had building at 60'X30', 1 1/2 story frame with a good body of fire developing on the #2 side of the building into the attic I thought it was prudent to get another Truck company on hand should we need further roof work. With OFD next door it was simple, thanks guys!

The C&O was an electrical short in a 220v BX cable to the kitchen stove in one room and a short in a piece of Roamex in the ceiling of the adjacent room. An electrician was installing a new breaker panel and caused the short while testing the circuits. We confined it to the rooms of origin with some extension to the attic in both rooms.

E92, 93, 94, TL40, R37 were all working at the scene.

OVAC stood by at the scene for us, thanks to you too.

Good work everyone.... THANKS!!!!

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Doug, that was my bad on that one, i kind of dropped the ball :) . I heard the initial transmission, but didn't hear any apparatus on the air. Then when i heard all of the m/a being called, i focused on them. Sorry about that, i figured you had a full department response, but since i couldn't verify which rigs were in service, i didn't put any. For whatever reason, i wasn't picking up any Briarcliff units with the exception of a small ammount form Car 2052 & TL40.

Anyway, sounds like you guys make a great stop and it was a well worked job by all involved! Next time i'll get your units, i promise lol!

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BMFD has it's own UHF fire ops frequency. I was listening the whole time - good work for a bunch of guys without RED firetrucks! Oh, that's right, the horses were white! :D 2052 to 60 Control, I'm 10-8.....

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Ouch... :D

Actually that's true we do use our OPs freq once we're dispatched so you might no hear the apparatus sign on. On this call I called the 10-75 through our dispatcher, not over 46.26.

Thanks for the compliments. The team did a great job gettin' at it.

Actually, we were just looking into why our rigs are white, with the village historian, and we discovered communication between the village founder and a fire chief about rig color. The discussion around 1920, centered on white being safer at night on the rural roads of Briarcliff. Historically Walter Law, the founder, was a forward thinker and I guess on this too, he was.

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