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Portable Scanner Recommendations

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Im looking to buy a new portable scanner. But im lookin for somthing easy to store and delete Frequencies and give them names. Somthing light and not to bulky. Any recommendations? :D

-Chris :)

Edited by N.R.F.D.~TL-11

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I thought you allready have a BC246T, what don't you like about that and, also you may want to list your price range

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I was Helping a friend Out that dosnt have a login name for Bravo. But I also tried to program it and I wanted to know myself. Thats why im lookin for somthing a little eaiser to use. Plus my other scanner is a desktop. But anyway for a price range. Uh......maybee like $200 max.

Edited by N.R.F.D.~TL-11

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Look into the Pro-97 from Radio Shack. I just picked one up. Does everthing but digital and tends to be on sale around $150

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Just as an aside to portable and base scanners.....when not in use please be sensible about keeping them secure in the event of a burglary. Over the years too many scanners have gotten into the wrong hands this way and I personally treat mine as if it were a firearm. Imagine knowing a burglar has gotten hold of it....years back a volunteer firemen friend of mine left his portable scanner under the seat of his car and it was stolen. Police frequencies were programmed into it....

And when strangers visit your home such as repair guys, etc., I wouldn't even let them see a scanner period. No need to educate people of unknown character....too many crime films have been showing perps using scanners and that's a bad thing regardless of whether or not it's factual. But there still are many perps unaware of scanners, so don't educate them please.

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Just as an aside to portable and base scanners.....when not in use please be sensible about keeping them secure in the event of a burglary. Over the years too many scanners have gotten into the wrong hands this way and I personally treat mine as if it were a firearm. Imagine knowing a burglar has gotten hold of it....years back a volunteer firemen friend of mine left his portable scanner under the seat of his car and it was stolen. Police frequencies were programmed into it....

And when strangers visit your home such as repair guys, etc., I wouldn't even  let them see a scanner period. No need to educate people of unknown character....too many crime films have been showing perps using scanners and that's a bad thing regardless of whether or not it's factual. But there still are many perps unaware of scanners, so don't educate them please.

Thats right. I get wat ur saying. But yeah thats a good idea. No1 has seen it as far as repair guys or strangers. No neighbors no either cept maybee for the FF that live 3 houses away. but ill make sure I dont let any1 that i dont know see it.

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Regarding repair guys..... a cousin of mine fixes water heaters, etc. One of his asssistants came to do mine and we later noticed a valuable tool missing which was later returned upon calling my cousin. A mob guy from Westchester owns a flooring company.......are you sure you can trust strangers??? What about burned out apartments looted by repair crews.... Homeowners on Brookside Circle, Yonkers do a block sale with homes opened to strangers and are later burglarized.....these kids reading Con Edison meters look innocent who come into my basement.....I later get told that one of them robbed another kid of his belongings....not a bully incident either, but a felony robbery charge......a cable tv repair guy returns to a Bronx River Rd apt to rape a former repair think about it when you let strangers in.....I wish it were otherwise though.

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