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As We Draw 2009 To A Close...

3 posts in this topic

I want to start this off by thanking you for taking the time to read this. Please, read the whole post, and reflect on the thought behind it.

A recent issue/thread made me want to try and express my feelings on how things get run here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on this, and this is merely mine...

There is a fine line between moderating, and censoring. This line has to be walked precariously, because when things start to get out of hand, or threats are made, or bashing goes on, someone is bound to get upset.

When it gets out of hand, some members ask, plead, or demand that action gets taken.

When action gets taken, some members cry, complain, or claim censorship.

Its a fine balance to try and appease everyone, and sorry to say, that is physically impossible.


The moderators, and administration of this forum do our best to keep it civil, and on topic, while permitting as much freedom as we can allow. There come times that we do have to step in, to keep civil. Should some people grow a little bit thicker skin? Sure, but it shouldn't have to come down to that. No, things aren't always hunky-dory, people screw up, make mistakes, and it is how we learn from those mistakes, and MOVE ON, that really shows our value.

There obviously is a reason that people come onto this forum, because that what it is/should be, a place to exchange ideas and knowledge.

-A public meeting place for open discussion.

-an assembly, meeting place, television program, etc., for the discussion of questions of public interest.

EMTBravo is in fact a place to have open discussion, and share questions, and information, of public interest, but there has to be a degree of decorum.

As I said before, we're all on here for one reason or another, and the common binding thread, is that we are either involved in, or interested in the emergency/public service sector, and we should be using this forum, and the information gathered/shared here, to better ourselves. We need to stop arguing amongst each other, and take the information presented, and compile it, and apply it.

There is a reason that EMTBravo has lasted as long as it has, and endured these same trials and tribulations, because I think underneath everyone's tough exterior, they really do want it to succeed, and be a place to gather with their brethren (and sistren [yes I know I just made that word up]), and better themselves in one way or another.

Remember, those who are in the public sector, are there for that, the public, and we are always in the public's eye, so let's start acting accordingly.



Despite the hard times, I personally hope, and am sure I speak for the entire moderating team, that everyone has a safe and bountiful holiday season.

I wish everyone a happy and safe New Years, and let's strive to start off 2010 with an open mind, and fresh ideas.

-Nathan aka xfirefighter484x

P.S. - To hopefully lighten the mood a bit, enjoy this comical Year in Review from JibJab!

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Excellent post, Nate! You hit the nail on the head for me. Hope some members take a moment to read it....

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Great Job, Nate You said a lot in a few words.On that note, Nate, Have a Safe, Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!!!!

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