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  1. nswoody liked a post in a topic by johnnyirons in Croton Falls New Chiefs Vehicle: 2011 Chevrolet Suburban/SWS   
    Must be nice to have the money to spend on excessive amounts of lights. Hopefully this department first spent money on equipment and necessary safety equipment first before wasting it on the lights. Correct me if I am wrong but don't Michigan state police have a very simple light package with busy interstates and have very limited emergency vehicle scene crashes. Its too bad joe taxpayer has no idea what a majority of these fire districts waste there money on while departments that are cash deprived cant even staff an adequate amount of fire personnel daily.
  2. nswoody liked a post in a topic by rfdu39 in Revenge on the probies   
    A group of firefighters got revenge on the probies after the probies played a prank involving dirty socks.

  3. nswoody liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in The Liabilities Of Being A Fire Commisioner   
    I am not a commissioner nor was I ever one but I am a former chief who had to work with a board of fire commissioners. First I suggest you maintain your integrity and don't let the position go to your head. Your are a public official with alot of responsiblity and are there to serve the public and not your own political or personal agendas. Read and understand section 176 under town law which explains the duties of fire commissioners. Listen, respect, and work with your fire chiefs and don't interfere with thier duties especially on the fireground. Don't adopt policies or sop's behind thier backs or buy equipment without thier input. Include them with all of your ideas.
    You will also have to vote on things like hiring people ( if in a career dept) or vendors to preform to services for the district. You will also have to vote on appointments of fire chiefs and do so knowing this is truly the right person for the job, not just the "allright guy". Probalby the most important item is the budget and buying equipment. Don't buy equipment because it looks cool or the next department has one. Buy stuff that is practical. Remember you are spending taxpayers money.
    Like any other elected official you will have to make decisions that may not be popular. Dont be swayed or play the fence. I have seen this happen. Stick to your convictions and do what is right. How you vote could impact your department for years. Treat all members fairly and dont play favorites.