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Everything posted by JFLYNN

  1. Thanks, I appreciate your kind words, but for the record, in my opinion, most career chiefs in Westchester do remember where they came from and do support their men. Some of them just have a little trouble thinking out of the box and may need some "encouragement" from their men to get more vocal. It goes both ways, though, sometimes, young guys or union leaders try to buck or criticize the chief(s) for no particular reason other than to show they can or to try to impress their fellow members with how ba**sy they are. Respect is a two way street.
  2. Please don't put words in my mouth. I have never said what NRFD does or does not do in regard to recalls (I don't know). I stated what Yonkers policy is regarding providing mutual aid. Are you stating that Yonkers has ever "left" New Rochelle? That is simply not true. BTW, you haven't answered my other 2 questions...
  3. I'm not going to go tit for tat ad nauseum with you...I do think you are doing a lot of good work on this regionalization / consolidation thing and you have good statistics / numbers...the problem is the way you are using them...reading a lot of your comments, it seems like you are excusing various municipalities for inadequately funding fire protection...it is not our job as fire service leaders to explain why there is not enough money for adequate fire protection, it is our job to tell government officials and the public what we need to do our jobs and insist that it be provided. I came on the job in Yonkers 20 years ago and we have come a LONG way since then because we didn't allow the city to make excuses for inadequate funding, and we repeatedly put the city leaders on the spot privately and publicly about this. Where were the chiefs and union leaders after the Pelham fire? Why was there no press conference about inadequate manning? Why are the chiefs and union leaders in Mt. Vernon not in the press about the decision to not fill the current 5 vacancies there? Do you think if you're patient and quiet and nice little boys eventually all your fancy little facts and figures will get you what you are asking for? It really seems like way too many guys are more worried about getting their helmets dirty and hoping someone takes their picture at a fire then they are worried about being a member of an adequately manned, trained, and equipped fire department.
  4. First of all, I am aware of who you are and I think you are doing a good job from what I hear on the regionalization study (or whatever it's called), and I support that. Also, I have respect for the New Rochelle FD and know and like many of your members. HOWEVER, I couldn't disagree more with the way New Rochelle FD is propping up undermanned Fire Departments in Westchester, particularly Mt. Vernon. This hurts our brother Firefighters and is not fair to the citizens of New Rochelle either. Unfortunately, I think that you are not going to be able to accomplish this regionalized department that you are looking for with the mindset you have now. Pelham certainly can find the $ to have enough garbagemen, teachers, etc., etc. 3 career Firefighters per tour?!? Well, I guess the Pelham village administration will tell you that is adequate because they are supplemented by volunteers...if this is true, why did you guys have to go thius fire...this was no conflagaration...I have been told that there are career departments in Westchester that will send their ONLY ladder company out of town on mutual aid! Come on...are you kidding me? How do you explain to the taxpayers of your district or municipality that they are paying for fire protection in another district or municipality which chooses to not adequately fund fire protection, and that place can't provide those same resources to you in return. Would New Rochelle call Pelham or another combo dept. for mutual aid and allow whoever shows up to crawl down a hallway with your members? Maybe you are going to tell me you would...if so, shame on you! Next, the minimum standards for ALL career departments in Westchester far exceed the minimum standards of ANY volunteer department. I'm very surprised that you don't know that. Last, the union always has a say and thank God for that. Yes, if the Chief gives an order, it must be followed, but a good union will pay attention and take whatever steps, pilitically or otherwise, are necessary, to protect its members. Frankly, I think the buff factor is at work here...a little smoke and fire and you can't keep people away...well keep doing it and don't complain and whine how come Yonkers is the only department with adequate resources. And for the record, our official position in Yonkers (administration and union) is that we are currently severely UNDERMANNED.
  5. Pelham is not properly staffed and never will be as long as other career departments keep bailing them out because everyone is so anxious to go and play at a fire. Career departments should not have mutual aid agreements with combination or volunteer departments for many reasons. There are volunteer and combination departments in close proximity to Pelham. If these systems work, why is it necessary to call career departments for what is basically a "bread and butter" fire? Chief Officers and union officials of career departments should absolutely not allow their members to work side by side with volunteer firefighters unless a system is put in place to ensure that these volunteer firefighters are adequately trained, background checked, and medically qualified. This is not a knock on volunteer firefighters- many of you are qualified, capable, and well intentioned. However, the minimum standards for career vs.volunteer are completely different. The job of firefighter is difficult and dangerous enough without having to be put in a position where you must potentially work side by side with underqualified people who may put your safety in jeopardy. In Westchester County, there is a vacuum of leadership unfortunately- many Chiefs and union leaders (not all) have lost sight of what their primary responsibilities are : the safety and well being of their own members, and providing adequate fire and emergency response to the residents of the community which pays their salary. They are afraid to speak up and / or make a decision about this issue because they fear being criticized or making enemies, which I am sure I will be for posting this...oh well...
  6. R1Smokeeater, my lil' buddy...nice pics, but I am pretty sure these are technically not "rowframes"..I'm surprised noone has pointed this out yet, as some of you seem to be pretty knowledgeable... So, a question...who knows the diff between "rowframes" and a row of frames??? Gee, this buff stuff is kind of fun!
  7. Lil' Buddy, Tom Wanstall is spinning in his grave. He had a rule that he would never publish a pic showing an innefective stream like the one coming out of TL-75, because in his mind, people wouldn't understand and would assume the brothers were screwing up. I still love you though.
  8. I was the Captain on the Rescue for this job. It was on a weekend maybe 4 years ago or so. We were out and responded from McLean Ave. when it came in. Fire started in the first floor or basement and spread up pipe chases- there was heavy fire in at least two apartments on each of the four floors when we arrived. It was at least a 3rd, maybe a 4th.