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Everything posted by stixx

  1. dose any one know the scanner Frequency for the white plains fire dept
  2. it looks great and good luck whit it and new rochelle is getting a collapse rescue truck
  3. that guy who hit the Communications officer should get charge :angry:
  4. when is new rochelle police getting new esu trucks
  5. new rochelle is getting new police cars?? i thaught the CSO's were getting new cars
  6. how many supurvisors vehicles do they have saw 11 and 12 and thats the first time saw 25
  7. i think it looks great, but they would probley do that in 2010 if it not in 2010 i'll update yhe reply on this once again.
  8. does anybody know where the MVFD repairshop is?
  9. NEW ROCHELLE moved down to THE number 2 positiobn Mount Vernon should get better fire truck :angry: