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Everything posted by Skooter92

  1. OK..... I usually DON'T do this kind of thing but...... If you have the intestinal fortitude, I'd like to meet you face-to-face (at a diner, behind the diner, at your parent's house where you still live in the basement, whatever) and have you justify to ME who gave you the right to get on the air and interfere with operations. I AM NOT PLEASED WITH YOU!!!!! YOU HAVE ANGERED ME!!!!!! Besides, it seems like all you're doing is compensating for the fact that NOBODY would ever put YOU in a position of responsibility. Let alone let you LEGALLY use a radio. Or any other piece of gear. Come on, now. Contact me. I dare you.
  2. Just dried out from the last deluge.......and now I gotta paddle to work yet again.....on the bright side, maybe the QA whiz will try to cross some high water and get eaten by a piranha....
  3. OK....for all you Kitty in the Chinese's yer chance. I challenge you to produce ONE case, independently verifiable, of feline foo yung-and by verifiable, I mean DOCUMENTED. No more of this alleged kitty kung pao. I want proof. Winner (decided by ME, and ME alone, muah-ah-ah-ah), gets some prize. Don't know what....... In all cases of a tie, Mr. Bigglesworth will weigh in on the issue.
  4. LED grill lights usually either have a specific LED flasher or have the circuitry built in. Call Gall's technical folks; they can tell you.
  5. Do you prefer your cat with the bones still in? Some folks say it gives more flavor, but it seems like more of a hassle to me. Try deboned cat instead.
  6. I KNOW about "variety meats" in China-I want proof of such variety HERE in the good ol' US of A!!! Don't keep Mr. Bigglesworth waiting......because when Mr. Bigglesworth waits, he gets angry, and when Mr. Bigglesworth gets angry, people DIE!!!
  7. 1) Working on rigs that are more damaged than a Michael Jackson left-over. 2) It ain't the idiocy of some people, just that consistent lack of consistency. 3) Turning on the shower, stepping in, and then discovering that Mr. Kitty has left you a little present, now in semi-liquid form. 4) Lindsey Lohan.
  8. The article gives new meaning to the term "Slush Puppie". Seriously, do the dogs roam around afterwards, making strange noises and trying to eat people's brains? Could we try the procedure on a certain human and see if it improves his people skills?
  9. Me like kabobs! Nice recipe!
  10. I used to eat so much Chinese take-out that a friend used to call me General Tso! Where are the good take-out places in the county/region? Post 'em if you got 'em. And NO cat namesake reads the board over my shoulder...he's a little sensitive about the whole issue...
  11. Anybody gone to the new place in Valhalla? I like Firehouse Grill's ribs and pulled pork.
  12. 1) Looking for info on the new BBQ place in Valhalla. 2) Otherwise, Firehouse Grill in Peekskill has kickin' ribs and pulled pork.
  13. "Waste of man batter....." crack me up, hominid. We need to seek out this radio-jammin' moron and sterilize him, for the sake of posterity.......either that, or find him and turn him over to the folks at WECA....... Wolf.......Ossining pops into my mind too....especially when I'm off my lithium.....I feel your pain..... WAS.......too much sand time, bruddah......yer gonna look like a Hawaiian tropic ad.....without the sixpack abs, you potbellied medic, you.....c'mere for some adipose lovin, big guy. do we find this looser from the shallow end of the genepool?......put up a wanted poster? Ideas?
  14. Just spank him like the misbehaving monkey he is. Bad monkey. Don't break the vehicles, you naughty monkey.
  15. 1) No replies. No PMs from members either. I get pissy, and nobody cares. I'm feeling the love here, you betcha. 2) I have the feeling our wanker isn't a member of EMTBravo. How do we get the word out to him? I really DO want to meet this person. And actually find out from him his reasons for doing what he does. Any suggestions? 3) 99 views and no comments. No one has an opinion. Hate me, love me, support me, whatever. But let's all think of some way to find and talk this guy down from whatever delusions of entitlement he's operating under. Instead of b*#tching, maybe stop this before somebody gets hurt.
  16. Next time, don't fly steerage, loser.
  17. The Cyberhome unit stacks up against far more expensive players when it comes to features and playback quality. If you are a total AV Nazi, maybe not for you, but for the rest of us stretcher dogs, the price is right.
  18. Hanada Hibachi on Route 6 in Mohegan-great hibachi table action with slightly high prices, but well worth it. As compared to Gasho in Hawthorne, it comes out way ahead-no screaming kids running between tables, great portions of decent food, and attentive service. The hibachi chef wasn't as showy as Gasho's manic chefs, but he did a flaming volcano on the grill with onion rings stacked on top of each other with a little grain alcohol in the middle-good thing Mohegan Fire is about ten seconds down the street. Cool trick, good food, reasonable price with good service.
  19. Barbeque chicken pizza, as long as it's not drowned in sauce, makes for a good slice. Lasagna pizza, with mozzarella, ricotta, sauce, and ground beef-I'm getting a happy case of agita thinking about it. The most unusual topping I ever had was pastrami on pizza at this place in the Village-with Monterey Jack cheese and sauce.
  20. I think Daday is a lot more "active" than he lets on......more than just one daughter's worth. How do I know this? I been seeing a LOT of bald babies thinks Meter Man been spreading a WHOLE LOTTA LOVIN around.....what a stud. Any other bald baby sightings? Blame Daday....the one man population explosion..... How many of your baby mommas were just trying to get out of a shameless man..... (snicker snicker)
  21. Should we start a thread for chicken-crossing-the-road humour?
  22. They sure do work. Everytime I blow into mine, I get at least twenty deer running up to me.
  23. Low cat quotient in my Kung Pao Kitty..... Anti-Thread Hijacking technology on the board...... Caterpillers trying to seize control of my brain.......
  24. Could we post about employers that suck?
  25. Somers pancake breakfast at Lincolndale Firehouse on Rte. 139. 0800 to ?, can some one chime in with menu and cost?