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Everything posted by HFD23

  1. no, Tl 15 isn't a seagrave.... it is a baker, and was bought new fromt he factory...in 1994
  2. Parade line up times range from 12:30-1:45, along pipeline road which runs parallel to the metro north train tracks. This road will be shut down and used to stage all marching units in the correct marching order. it is key that all departments arrive on time. Kick off is at 14:00... the parade route is as follows from the metro north train station and star bucks area up east Hartsdale Ave. to 4 corners then turn right and head up north central Ave, with all north bound lanes shut down for the parade to webb park. once at webb park, all units can park in assigned areas for the events that run till; about 17:00 there will be free food and drinks, along with ice cream, those bouncing castles for kids, and even an obstacle course one for adults... rigs will be on display along with music, and tee shirts, mugs, pins and journals will be on sale.... also the westchester county parade judges will be judging the parade for a total of 11 awards... Any further questions of information needed feel free to e-mail or private message me...
  3. well if i were taking pic, i would get there at 12:45 and be on the pipe line get, some shots of guys, and as the rigs line up... once the parade starts the route will be pretty clear, the turn from east hartsdale ave to central ave should be a good spot... and at webb park wehre all the rigs will be parked following the parade..
  4. i also am reading this book, and i can;t bear to put it down, i am about 5 chapters into the book, and as much as i am dieing to finish it, i want to try to take it slow cause once i am done i don't have this same excitement to look foward to wondering what can happen next, the book truly helps you to see the bond of firemen, and what life is like at rescue 2 being one of the elite... even more so, it reminds you what the 60's and 70's were like in the bronx and brooklyn, must have been a buff's dream world... these guys all set the standards for firefighting today and many of the rescue 2 men lost their lives on 9/11 and it lets those of us who never knew them learn alot about each man, and we must never forgeth what they stood for, each man was willing to die to save a civilian, let alone have the chance to save one of their own.. they are true hero's and we must remember that they did for ever one and their contribution to the fire service...
  5. it actually turned out ot be a fire in the duct work over the stove extengin into the walls and the bed room and attick, required alot of openin up and over haul.. Greenvile 150 adn 2151 were FAST... FFD 174 end up being released to run and alarm with Ladder 4.. Engine 170 laid in and had a 200 foot 1 3/4 line stretched, along with several can's and extinguishers. units cleared in about 1 hour
  6. ya i have gotten through about 1/2 this book, its really interesting and i would recomend it to any one interested in the fire service, it describes life as a probie and shows the role of a man who didn't really have his heart set on being a firemen, but grew to do his job and constanly want to learn more.
  7. Hartsdale parade, 100th anniversery date: May 30th start time 2:00 location hartsdale train station to webb field on central ave. once arriving at webb, there will be events for the kids including bounching castles and such, also food and soda will be served. also please note the westchester county parade judges will be judging this even and 11 westchester departments and over 25 rigs will take part. Any department wishing to attend, or for any additional information feel free to contact me...
  8. Excellent write up, I couldn't have said it any more correctly...... i was on scene and have several pictures that should be posted shortly...
  9. White plains will soon be receiving a 2004 Pierce Saber rescue truck. as long as this rig is delivered in time, expect it to make an appearance at Hartsdale FD's 100th Anniversary parade on May 30th 2004
  10. as Cm36 stated for me. this incident recieved full 1st alarm assigment from Fairview Hartsdale, and White Plains. white plains had Engs 66. 67,68, and tower 6, cars 2511, 2512 FFD cars 2121 2126 Engs 174, 175, Ladder 1, HFD cars 2171, 2172, Eng 169 170, tower 15, Greenville car 2151 and Ladder 4 Battalion 19... Tower ladder 15 had infron of the building tower ladder 6 had its crew on the roof, engine 170 had 4 lines stretched and operating, Two 2 1/2's and Two 1 3/4's... The building on fire was a furniture repair shop. vertical ventilation was used, and a good stop was made by crews thatnks to the 7 engine and 4 truck and 1 rescue on scene..
  11. Hartsdale is presently organizing a parade and several events to celebrate its 100th, the parade is slated for May 30th, 2004. line up will take place in Hartsdale village by the Train station. Many departments in westchester were sent save the date cards and other information, more formal and detailed information is set to be sent out shortly. Any one or department who requires more information, has any suggestions, or wishes to attend feel free to contact me or post anything reguarding this event here... in addition to the parade a large scale inspection dinner will be held on may 13th with members from other deparments being invited. and a family and friend picknic with all our fellow firefighters invited will be help some time in september with many events for kids and firefighters.
  12. I think these is a great method to aid in dispatch, othen pagers don't go off, or radio transmissions on locations are broken up thus it is hard to hear an address. alos thsi service works when out of the range of your pager, which is great. i only wish hartsdale was dispatched by 60 so i could take advantage of this.. i hope to see even more steps foward.
  13. Whats the major reason that FDNY is switching to majority of 75 footers? smaller lengths thus more manuverable? doesn't the shorter ladder reach decrease rescue options? as well as master stream capabilities? among other loss's?
  14. 01:38 companies in the process of pickin up.. Ladder 72 1st due truck ladder to the roof, 310 and 301 laid in, spare rescue 1 was inservice.. s/c arson car 6... pictures will be up soon
  15. i think this is a little out of hand... were all doing the same thing whether we are FF's, juniors or Officers... we all offer opinions.. lets not tear into each other, say what you think about Yonkers and a new rescue or a squad company. Why are we tearing apart whatever our brothers opinions are? Say how you feel... don't knock other brothers opinions...and remember these are all opinions and suggestions so we can all have our say and maybe learn from each others experiences in the fire service... i think everyone needs to cut the crap and stop taking offense to everything and getting into arguments... its B.S, let everybody be heard.
  16. i think another rescue would be good, obviously it would cut down responce time to some areas, also it would cut back on the wear and tear on the rig. but i think that the money could be better spent on a different rig, mabe something like a squad company, let the members have the same training as those of rescue one, but let their rig have a pump and be able to function as a rescue or engine. with the number of fires above 3rd alarms yonkers has faced i think these gives them the best of both worlds and if in fact the assigment were a 10-29 they could then also assign rescue one on the 2nd alarm or mabe even with the confirmation of the working fire. bottom line is the 2nd rescue company in my opinion is a great idea, i just think a squad style engine as a rig may be more use full then the ALF rescue truck that is YFD rescue 1.. just a opinion, but either was with a 2nd rescue company i think it will help alot. Also think of it in a M/A role, i know we in hartsdale have called yonkers m/a for engines and trucks on many occasions, over this past summer we even required rescue 1 for a hazmatt incident. this leaves the whole of yonkers with out a rescue. also think of the responce time of rescue one from school street in yonkers to hartsdale village and the millage that it put on that rig, and yet it was the most specialized and closest assistance we could get.. a 2nd rescue would even benifit the neighboring towns and villages as well.
  17. i agree that command should be able to requst and get a truck by the name ladder, how ever at certain times departments may need a straight stick, or a tower ladder for a certain task and i think 60 needs to know what is a tower, what is a ladder tower, and what is a SS, caz lets face it, it does make a difference, when u need to evacuate people from the floor above whom are traped, a ladder tower, or a stick are alittle better then the standard tower ladder that needs to go up and down to unload the bucket... each serves a different task, but i personal am a big fan of the ladder tower, it gives you the best of both worlds, i think a truck like FFD's ladder one is great because you can climb it to rescue or change crews, yo can bring required tools up to the bucket with out lowering the ladder, and it has the platform to work from and spray watter... it is much better for multitasking then a FDNY TL that requires the bucket be lowered in order to add more tools our bring rescued victums from the ground, mabe there doesn;t need to be a designation between what truck is a TL or a Lt of a SS as far as on the air but i think as a Ic and 60 control they need to know exactly what they are gettin or giveing to a IC at a working fire.
  18. Hartsdale is having a 100th in May, journals are being published, anyone wishing to purchase an AD, you can e-mail or private message me for more details. The journals will be available for the May cenntenial dinner, and the May 30th parade
  19. Date: 3-5-04 Time: 1510hrs (Original) Location: 610 west Hartsdale ave Frequency: 46.26 Units: HFD Car 2172, ENg 169, 170, Tl-15, FM-15, ENG 174 FFD relocated to HFD station 2 Description: Units Responded to an automatic alarm at Mighty Joe Young's Resturant. Call back from location reporting an electrical fire in left side ofthe structure.Upon arrival, 2172 confirmed working fire, TL-15 laddered the front of building, units laddered the rear exposure with ground ladders. Eng 170 layed into the side of the building ,and hooks into feed both it self and Eng -169 ,Eng 170 stretches 150 foot inch and 3/4 stretched to rear door. Upon entrance, units find smoke and water in the basement, cleared entrace to crawl space found no fire and proceded to search the 1st floor water and smoke found, location of fire determined to be in the cockloft above the womens bathroom, the ceiling was opened up using sawzalls, and pike poles. Sprinkler system was activated, heavy volumes of water were flowing which helped to knock down the fire. 1513hrs Eng 174 relocates to station 2. 15:14 addition 150 foot inch and 3/4 stretched to the front door, units knocked down the fire over hawled, and cleared the water from the sprinklers that had activated. Writer: HFD211, HFD209 (Both working incident) 209 had the roof and 211 was in the interior.
  20. i personally know this situation very well.. in hartsdale i am the volunteer training officer and equipment officer, during my time in the department we do basiclly the same drills over and over, we train every tuesday of the year aside from major holidays and such. but i personally have gotten sick of the same old stuff, we always do burns in the burn building at the training center and smoke house and so on, we alway go into the same main door, and do the same old stuff. till last week, my self as well as the Lt. of our truck company wrote several scenerios to run through, for search and rescue, we entered the burn building from different doors, including the back stair case, after entry, doors were blocked, stair cases raised symbolizing collapse, several missing member, fast team operations, maydays, and a detialed accountability command board were set up... using all hartsdale personel. it was a very detialed drill that went alittle beyond basics not just the normal go in find the victum searches, the different entry points and different missing members and mock scrips kept it interesting and involved every member in some capacity in every evolution... over all it went very well and we plan to continue to go more indetialed in the near future.
  21. hi, i am currently working on a power point presentation on the history of HFD...We have many pictures of our own from record and members, how ever i am looking for any shots of hartsdale fires, hartsdale units operation at our fires or m/a jobs, or even just of any of our rigs past or present.. some picture's i am looking for include 300 south central Ave from June of 2003... or the coloney job in may of this past year... or any other fires or events.... you can contact me via private message or e-mail them to me at Italianstang9@aol.com.... You well be given full credit for your photos, or sound waves or anythgin you may be able to supply... thank you to all our brothers for their help in trying to make our 100th an event to remember...
  22. the show is deffinatly not goin to have much fire stuff in it and lets face it the medics are being phased out as well.. now its goin to be totally police with alittle kim and carlos only when they need ems... they are destroying what this show started out on... it wasn;t only police or fire or ems it mixed all 3 groups and was based on all the lives of the main characters.. they should just change the dam name or something caz its destroying the name the show has built for it self... and ya i remember Rescue 77, what was the deal with that? or even as far back as shows like code red? those were some great ones...
  23. the pattern is they are doing away with the medics and firemen... talyor was killed... the Lt... jimmy transfered to rescue... Bobby a few seasons ago.. doc well u can bet he won;t be working there any more... rumor has it that 3rd watcxh will become a almost if not entire show about the NYPD... there are no main Firemen in the show any more a few play roles here or there but they are not main characters, the only main charters left are kim and carlos... i guess we will all see where it goes... but expect to see alot more police and alot less fire..
  24. Well I know what it is and won;t let the cat out of the bag, but any idea when this rig will be in FFD's possession?
  25. i heard october 4th or 7th some where in that time period of early october