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Posts posted by smwells

  1. Great pics.

    My department is looking for a new ambulance either this year or next. I have noticed many newer ambulances like the ones shown here, have gone to multiple lights on the front of the box instead of a light bar.

    It would seem to me that you lose a lot of side and intersection warning, especially at a multi-lane intersections where fender/corner lights may be blocked by other vehicles.

    Anyone have some insight? (sorry to go off topic, if I am)

    Danger likes this

  2. NY and CT has some of strictest policies for obtaining a gun permit in the country.

    Did it prevent what happened to these innocent people in Newtown - NOPE !!

    Does changing these laws prevent the illegal use of firearms - NOPE !!

    Does the process that these changes were implemented violate laws, and many of the people you voted to represent you committed this action - YEP!!

    It does not matter whether you are for or against these changes, these changes were forced onto the floor by the Governor that has his own agenda for 2016.

    Forcing a vote 20 minutes after presentation is ridiculous especially at 11pm!!, can anyone here read and fully comprehend a 70+ page document in 20 minutes? I know I can't and I certainly can't expect someone that is representing me to do so either.

    I think the changes should be declared in violation of state law of process, and re-done the right way.. If it passes after properly being presented and represented to the people then implement them, until then all they have done is opened the court system and our tax dollars for a lot of litigation.

  3. It is unfortunate that many towns and volunteer agencies have needed to make this move. In today's economy most of these volunteers can no longer dedicate time as in years past. The prompt treatment of the patient needs to be 1st priority.

    The down side is that the person that needs to work more to survive and can't volunteer, is also the taxpayer that will need to dig deeper when the tax bill arrives.

  4. This occurred in my district. I personally would take my chances of getting hit by staying in my vehicle over standing on the non-existent shoulder in that area. Multiple accidents came in for that stretch due to the weather/road conditions that morning.

    People that travel that stretch regularly should already be aware and slow down, but most ignore the conditions and cant risk getting to work 5 minutes later.

  5. The families of those lost should be present on this milestone day. It should not be a political Dog and Pony Show..

    Those of us that spent countless hours, and unfortunately became ill or some cases died from the exposure of numerous toxins down there should be acknowledged on this day as well. I understand you cant physically fit all the people, but they certainly should be acknowledged for thier efforts on this day.

  6. Buchanan in Westchester county has a similar size truck. The proportions look strange, I believe the building it is housed in dictated the size of the vehicle, the former vehicle was a breadtruck. Seee below for a picture

    Do a search in Apparatus forum, jjpinto has pic of the truck. (couldnt link it Sorry)

    Catching up with apparatus in the County.

  7. I worked at HPN 20+ years ago when the Quanset Hut was the termininal.

    I still feel the old terminal functioned better than the current 41,000 sqft building which was maxed Day One. The screened waiting area is too small. Now they want to add Customs, where?? I am open to not going to Newark or JFK to fly out, but they made no provisions for the future when this building was designed.

  8. I completely agree. It is unfortunate, but there was no intent, no malice, just a very regretful mistake.

    90 days is just wrong!!! If the bus didn't hit the ambulance and the medic, how many more lives would have been taken by the drivers in ability to properly park the bus? The driver shouldn't have a license again, especially one to carry passengers..

  9. Technically, BLS3 exists. Medic3 has an EMT during the days and can transport when the BLS agencies are unable to crew.

    Glad to see Brewster is finally looking at the problem, several agencies on the east side of the county have had more issue with coverage, than others. The call volume is always going to be on the East Side where the dense population is. If agencies cover calls the need to move Medic 2 significantly out of its assigned coverage area to the East Side goes down.

  10. I used to work for the County Airport 20+ years ago. Any agency that is the the flight path for the airport would benefit from addtional training. This includes a sizable area. The loop for planes circling the airport used to go up as far north as carmel, and out over a good portion of westchester county.

    This incident happened right after take off, but inbound flights can have just as many issues. The approach for the main runway comes over SUNY Purchase, Ryebrook Lake and I684, potential for large ground injuries as well.

  11. Did CVAC pay for bikes and setup or were they through a grant/donation?

    I know other agencies like Our Lady of Mercy Hospital (Monte North) in the Bronx had a similar setup for large scale events, not sure if they are still used .